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June 07, 2016


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It's not the mist, the mist triggers something else

From now on slowly_wise, you will contact all water this way , even taking a bath, even a lake, the sea even mud on TV
I wrote about the power of Simian, I guess the 32 years were not quite without effect :)
It includes even that after some time your simian will revive and you
will see your Beloved Master everywhere

June 2015 I wrote a personal message to you to Brian on WATER and if you forgot . . . . wow then . . .

Sometimes it's a peace of cake
 and all nature seems in Blossom and Bloom,
 and this is only what appears on the outside

Imagine the inside

Please don't give it up



A vast serendipity for You

tYour photographs bring a strong representation of
what you talk about
But It's not the mist, the mist triggers something else

From now on slowly_wise, you will contact all water this way , even taking a bath, even a lake, the sea even mud on TV
I wrote about the giant power of Simran, and I guess the 32 years of you were not quite without effect :)
It includes even that after some time your simian will revive and you
will see your Beloved Master everywhere

June 2015 I wrote a personal message to you to Brian on WATER and if you forgot . . . . wow then . . .

Sometimes it's a peace of cake
 and all nature seems in Blossom and Bloom,
 and this is only what appears on the outside

Imagine the inside

Please don't give it up



A vast serendipity for You


Brian, you are not God.

Believe me.

I am God.

You are about to die from old age and LSD usage. But when you pass over you will meet me face to face in the grave of oblivion, not hell. You will have a succession of images passing through your mind and brain before it dies, and you will see all the bad things you did. And those visions will be all the things you did physically that will impact the external world through the memories of other people acting it out. Which is a very bad legacy to leave behind.

I appreciate your inquisitive nature and quest for truth. But the idea that you know that I don't exist was what caused me to question your intelligence and knowledge base. Since your brilliance was not eclipsed by my groking, I had high hopes that you would evolve to the next upper level of normality. But I am shocked by your intellectual suicide and I have decided that you deserve to stop existing altogether.

Don't say I didn't warn you. After all, a warning is not a threat. And you should be old enough to know that by now.

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