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November 06, 2015


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Thanks for this great post, Brian. I enjoyed reading it. You activated many of my own Core Survival Instincts. I have jotted down some of my thoughts about Death, Life, and the "possibility" of survival of what ever might remain of "me" when I take my last gasp of air. My blog where I have written as either "Eternal Flame" or "Marked Elect" keeps me up to date on my own passing thoughts.


Other than being a Caucasian old fart Charan Singh Initiate like you, I am just about opposite of most of your core beliefs. ( no offense intended) I know I am going to die, and am living very close to the end of my sentence. I will be 74 in a couple of months, and the closer I get to my end, the bigger my Bucket List seems to grow!! I think of new places I want to visit and things I want to experience almost daily. I have visited 60 different countries in the last three years and am traveling about a third of the time with my Wife who shares my travel interests, but not my spiritual speculations. I am a Libertarian, believing in Personal Liberty with out Govt. Interference, and I am not a Do Gooder Liberal out to force my beliefs on the rest of Society. Hillary? GAG me! You have such a diversity of readers here, that I am sure each have their own personal story and ingrained belief system, but we ALL share the commonality of not only hoping we will survive death, but we all even wish that we will, including Skeptics like you, Lane, and Mike Williams! Meanwhile, I'm headed for Australia, New Zealand, and the Islands for the month of Dec. having toured Egypt for 2 weeks this year, I am grateful to have made it back alive before the Terrorists bombed any of my flights all over Egypt!
Jim Sutherland

Hi and yes; I had similar anxieties

Hearing/reading that each galaxy is in a
30 lightyears shelf of gamma radiation it gave me claustrophony
and also the knowledge that the sun will eat the planets soon ,
that did not help
OK, now some 100 Million years cycled - 10 Kilometer diameter astroids
seem to be overdue and there is the climate which also can wipe out the human species
when meat eating is continued

However , all this, included old age is so easy overcome when a human by whatever means ( Charan too in my case )
starts hearing this indescribable tiny (at first glance ) sweet 24/7 supersweet terrific and unbelievable unstruck sound above our eyes
next you identifing yourself with that phenomenon which never dies and always really grows

And not mentioning the invulnerability and the amazing Love


Also this Sound gives huge informations
like your former lives ( on a need to know base)
as I described here
and even the future which is amazing

Most intellectual People understand absolutely nothing about the rssb Path

I mean no clue about the laws of
intuition yes related to quantum physics illusion , life, nature and 'death'

777 ( 78 )

Medicine for Agnostics still attached to Charan Singh's Bulldozer and still feeling spiritually Bankrupt after readng all of Dr. Lane's Faith Buster Books and Videos and memorizng by heart Mike Willam's Radhasoami History Website and warnings , and that Atheism is the only True Path and it all ends here, and no one comes to help us in Transition from here to there.


Jim Sutherland

1.Yes, your Master will come to take you at the time of death; but why not contact Him during your lifetime and set all doubts at rest. 2.Your Master is not very far. He is within you and if you go in, you will be able to contact Him and receive consciously the waves of Grace that flow from Him. 3.Everything depends upon His grace; but ths doesn't absolve us from making effort and from shouldring our duty and responsibility God showers His grace in this way. 4.The best way to develop love for the Master is to devote your time to Simran and Bhajan. 5. If we attend most regularly to our meditation with faith,love and humility, no fear or weakness can assail us. - Rssb USA newsletter

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