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November 11, 2015


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I saw that you mis-searched by googling the results of your OR, blog too

I expressed at least 5 times my disgust that love in relation with God can't be imagined here on your blog

Strange because a 4 yr old child can feel love for a song, a puber spend all his cash for love songs

Yourself was decennia attached to a system were Love is the equivalent of Shabd, a Sound, a Music which is was proposed to be The Ultimate Creator
the most desirable Love Music to hear

It's exactly that phenomenon , we call sound because there is no other comparison
and That is your Self
and which will suddenly be more clear when you die and your IQ fades away
What else is there to blog about , if not That Self is everywhere
This same love yes is in a doggy which saves a cat on youtube
and which multiplies itself in the giver soul and then grows
up to the Eternal Creator, without hate, without fear
the Being beyond time, Self-exixtent, the Beautiful


The Greeks didn't speak of "love" per se, but of one kind of love or another. For them, there were at least four distinctly different kinds of love.


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