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October 12, 2015


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Armstrong claims that Plotinus' major focus, esp in his later years of writing was 'to live well and attain our true good.' If only the dead guru could return to the one and only Brian Hines, I'm confident that he would clearly find your impeccable humour to be the true art of happiness. I am forever in your debt and wishing you and your Tantra partner the most blissful of encounters. Regards, JY

PS: My favourite passage:

“We shouldn’t hold revels on Buddhist retreats because some people would do stupid things” gives stupid people veto power over the religious practice of responsible people. That’s morally wrong, in my opinion.

When I look at the picture you have posted I feel an involuntary shudder because from my perspective Buddhism is a path of purity and Tantra is about indulgence. I found this article about morals and ethics and our identity detector – some excerpts:

Moral features are the chief dimension by which we judge.

We tend to think that our memories determine our identity, but it's moral character that really makes us who we are.

Research has found that the single most important mental trait in judging self-identity is one's deeply held moral convictions. We are not only concerned with moral character when constructing an identity for others, but when doing so for ourselves.

Why does our identity detector place so much emphasis on moral capacities?

Moral features are the chief dimension by which we judge, sort and choose social partners. For men and women alike, the single most sought after trait in a long-term romantic partner is kindness - beating out beauty, wealth, health, shared interests, even intelligence.

The identity detector is designed to pick up on moral features because this is the most important type of information we can have about another person.

The lesson of the identity detector is this: when we dig deep, beneath our memory traces and career ambitions and favourite authors and small talk, we find a constellation of moral capacities. This is what we should cultivate and burnish, if we want people to know who we really are.


Why would anyone call David Chapman an "expert on Buddhism?"

The Dalai Lama is a real expert on both Buddhism and Tantra.

Dalai Lama isnt "real" expert on (...) and Tantra. He is like social product of the history of own lineage, politics and own time. He is the same expert as anyone who wants to write something after getting a certain level of empirical knowledge. No monastic tantra exists in Nevar (yet).

We practice tantra once in a while at home with my man according to various tips and instructions from the Internet. It is a pleasant relaxing and exciting massage of the whole body. Otherwise, for example, in Prague there are special salons, where tantra performs something like this salon http://erotic-massage-prague.net/services/tantra-massage/ But it is more for someone who is single I think.



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