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May 02, 2015


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Beauty place, Brian. We're jealous here in Desertfornia!

Bob, like our previous Governor, Tom McCall said, please come and visit Oregon; just don't stay here. Of course, I ignored that admonition when I ended up staying.

But I got a job in Oregon after finishing graduate school at Portland State University. So that should give me a McCall pass.

Lovely post Brian, its good to be reminded about being in the moment. This song is about a relationship but some words really strike home for me - here we are - what a beautiful mess this is...


Exactly! Hope is just another way of not being happy in the moment. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/apr/12/change-your-life-case-against-hope

Lovely post. Lyrical.

And really lovely place you’ve got there, Brian.

Imagine my surprise to see "Garden Poet" pop up in not a fifteen year old internet reference, but with a link that dates back mere days!

I'm glad to read you're still enjoying your garden and pleased to see pictures of how well you've done in maintaining it, but, better yet, how nicely you and Laurel have worked on expanding with your own touches of Zen-ful insight.

Keith, imagine my surprise to hear from The Garden Poet after all these years! A very welcome voice out of the past.

If you're still in the area, you should stop by some time and see how your creation (well, our creation, since many people contributed to it) has evolved.

In short, as you can see, well.

Your vision continues to inspire and produce joy. You've left your artistic mark behind in a way that few other sorts of artists can: as a living form of art that continually changes into new forms.

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