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March 16, 2015


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Nobody says that we should attend
this or that reunion or enter their doors

Everybody agrees however that is would
be wonderful to know who we are,
and if it's helpful
entering the inner door to that end

It's stupid to blame able people who only offer to help us


As a human, it took me a lot longer to figure out than any of those (other) animals that there wasn't/isn't a door. I suspect it was my ether element was getting in the way.

Loved the dogs-and-doors videos!

You're right, they're a perfect representation of our religious templates/straitjackets.

Come to think of it, I suppose this would apply to ALL of our taboos, including more generally benevolent ones like family and fidelity, patriotrism, honesty, everything!

Some taboos are obviously disfunctional, but I suppose even the more "benevolent" ones are dysfunctional at some level, to the extent that they're unthinking and "from the spine".

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