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January 21, 2015


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...an all-pervasive Mind-space that bears considerable resemblance to how the Absolute is viewed in the Eastern philosophies of Hindu Vedanta, Buddhism, and Taoism.


A "mystical" experience of nonduality or cosmic oneness can be interpreted in various ways. We can accept the validity of the experience, yet be no closer to knowing the nature of absolute reality.

A mystical experience is no more "valid" than a dream. When you're desperate for meaning, you cling to, depend on, and build your life upon any experience dramatic enough to justify your determination to believe in something.

"A mystical experience is no more "valid" than a dream."

--Well, that depends on the "mystical" experience, doesn't it? Only the one who has the experience knows. All we can say is, "What they experienced may or may not be more or less valid than a dream."

Only the one who has the experience knows.

"Mystical experience" is just a fancy name for a waking dream. If it radically changes your mind, gives you a reason to live, a code to live by, enjoy, but keep it you yourself. People who talk about their dreams are excruciatingly boring.

""Mystical experience" is just a fancy name for a waking dream."

--How do you know that a "mystical experience" is a waking dream? Are all mystical experiences waking dreams?

Quote x
People who talk about their dreams are excruciatingly boring

...to you x to you are boring.stop talking for others..to you they are boring .

x You are effectively preventing any meaning discussions with your "dead pan" comments, I asked you once have you ever had any contact with the gurus and you have declined to comment. I guess the answer is no...But then you are only cc back in drag.

'A "mystical" experience of nonduality or cosmic oneness can be interpreted in various ways. We can accept the validity of the experience, yet be no closer to knowing the nature of absoute reality. '

You are tacitly assuming that knowing is having the correct interpretation. But mystical epistemology always insists that the experience itself is the knowledge, and the interpretation, a verbal formulation, is secondary.

Having an experience as of an angel might it prove that angels exist, but, to experience contentless consciousness is to know that consciousness without content is possible.

So pure consciousness says something about reality.

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