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August 27, 2014


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Edgar Cayce an american mystic who gave thousands of accurate readings while in a state of trance on subjects as varied as origin of life , reincarnation , human anatomy , cure of diseases depicts how life evolved from microorganisms. Guru Nanak also mentions origin of life in water, Vedas mention origin of life in water. In today's world simple microbes mutate to give rise to lethal drug resistant microbes in a span of few years.

There was always Sound
Then evolution tries to find the best way to connect more consciously
That can be done with all chakras seeking the creative left current

Evolution becomes cruel and creates the best environment for compassion

Compassion (VG) connects slightly to the Sweet right ascending sound stream

Next strange things start to happen in life
and the sounds become orgasmic above the eyes
That state can even continue 24/7 which I refrain from explaining
We all can test that
and desiring help makes it largely available by people who have experienced the above

The ultimate is to BE the creator
which is a processes that ever grows a la Fibonnaci

There are never obligations but 'like it' is very helpful


I improved this text somewhat
After all it is the why when and how of the creation

There was always this Sound and ever will be
Then evolution tries to find the best way to connect to That more consciously
That can be done with all chakras seeking the creative left current

Evolution becomes cruel and creates the best environment for compassion

Compassion (VEGGY LIFE) connects slightly to the Sweet right ascending sound stream after inhibiting the firewall from uric acids coming from consumed adrenaline ( fear / transfer of karma's) , which harms chakras (illness) and keeps the Crown Chakra firmly closed

Next strange things start to happen in life
and the sounds become regulary orgasmic above the eyes
That state can even continue 24/7 which I refrain from explaining
We all can test that
as For those desiring this : including assistance, help is largely available by people who have experienced the above before you

The ultimate is to BE the creator, which is not a stable Thing but a Rhythmic wave Phenomenon
which is a process that will never end and will ever grow a la Fibonnaci

Hence the giant importance of vegetarism

There are never obligations but 'like it' is very helpful

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