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June 27, 2014


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"In a God's eye view, who does the seeing?"

--I see what I am as that kind of object which is no-object. But what I am is not 'a' no-object. I am total objective absence which is total subjective presence, unaware of absence as of presence. I, therefore, am not, whereby I AM, I who am necessarily every and no thing, and neither any nor no thing.

First.....you must have faith in God and believe in '' LOVE''. Because he is love and that is the key, the answer, the '' object'' as you all call it or piece of machinery as you also call it in some movies i dont want to specify. Through Gods eyes or Through God which means through '' LOVE '' if you really have faith. You not only can see the universe in his own perspective. But in the own perspective God put in you which is nothing more than true '' LOVE ''. When this happens in you. God is giving you a gift, you are being blessed and gifted not only visually but in all possible human senses.

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