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May 09, 2014


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Well, if it was a proven fact like gravity then it wouldn't be supernatural would it?

tucson, I didn't ask for solid scientific evidence. I just asked people to tell me if they were sure of some supernatural fact:

"Meaning, the supernatural fact you're sure about isn't just a matter of belief, hope, faith, or tentative conclusion that it is true. Rather, you know that the supernatural fact is true. You're sure of it."

That knowing could be, and probably would be, by some means other than a scientific experiment with objective verifiable results. "Know" can mean something else.

Like, I know I like the taste of raspberries. I can't prove this, but I'm absolutely confident that this is true. Partly because I have them on my cereal almost every day (frozen Oregon raspberries, at the moment; fresh ones aren't ripe yet).

" I can't prove this, but I'm absolutely confident that this is true."

----Absolutely? Used with, "I can't"

"Rather, you know that the supernatural fact is true."

---Relative to what truthness?

---How are you using the "fact" word in relation to the supernatural?

---Is the supernatural world describeable in the relative world of the mind?

I DO NOT not like the taste of raspberries. Can't be proven but sure is true for me. I have supernatural experiences but can't prove them to anyone else either. After all people would say its just the way my brain is wired. Like animals who have 'sixth sense' its "just the way their brains are wired".

Glad you say "science isn't 100% sure about anything..."

The Nature of Science - Why Gravity is "Just a Theory"

... Science never proves anything

... Science is based on inductive reasoning, which is a method of drawing generalized conclusions based on finite observations. Inductive reasoning can be used to disprove a theory, but it cannot be used to prove one. for example, take the following observation:
• The grass outside my window is green.
Using inductive reasoning I can conclude:
• All grass is green.


Everyone, it seems, is having difficulty with the semantic aspects of the term "supernatural fact". I respectfully submit that the "supernatural" does not exist, because, if it did, it would be merely natural.
Much to the chagrin of human beings of every stripe, existence is entirely unnecessary, as evidenced by blatant transience. There is only Reality, which is bereft of any qualities whatsoever, including non-existence.

Reality is the simplest "fact". Everybody knows it, because everybody IS it.

Pretty supernatural, huh?

I DO NOT like the taste of raspberries. Can't be proven but sure is true for me. I have supernatural experiences but can't prove them to anyone else either. After all people would say its just the way my brain is wired. Like animals who have 'sixth sense' its "just the way their brains are wired".

Glad you say "science isn't 100% sure about anything..."

The Nature of Science - Why Gravity is "Just a Theory"

... Science never proves anything

... Science is based on inductive reasoning, which is a method of drawing generalized conclusions based on finite observations. Inductive reasoning can be used to disprove a theory, but it cannot be used to prove one. for example, take the following observation:
• The grass outside my window is green.
Using inductive reasoning I can conclude:
• All grass is green.


This would be supernatural enough for me.


Brian, sorry, I did not mean to sound like I was ridiculing your comment if that is how you took it. Just joking around.

"Oneness" is really real for me but it is not supernatural. This does not mean I am enlightened or anything like that. If I thought I was, then I wouldn't be. (no one is ever enlightened. there is no such thing that happens to anyone) It is simply the direct perception that it is all Oneness recognizing itself via itself. A game of hide and seek as Alan Watts put it in one of his books. I think in the Hindu tradition it is called "Leela". It is really simple and obvious and I think we tend to overlook it because of that.

This is not some perpetual "state" where one remains in the lotus posture with a subtle radiant smile of peace and bliss on the face. However, that may be the face we see when we pass away and see that it is our own. Rather, it is a recognition that just spontaneously comes up now and then in the course of just being human going through whatever life brings.

Nothing changes as a result of recognizing Oneness. You still can get a flat tire or a refund on your taxes. People may still aggravate or charm you. You may get really pissed off or emotional or happy. You may get sick and recover or not. Maybe there is a bit less clinging to the passing show of appearance but not necessarily. Clinging may occur as well. Pain hurts.

But still, a certain weight is removed, a need to figure it all out or find oneself or God. We are God. Not the God of religion. Just this simple Oneness that is as all things and yet is no particular thing at all in itself.

Haven't you ever had the feeling, say at the checkout stand at the big box store, and suddenly you see that it is 'you' at the register. Not the 'you' that we think of as 'me' but the inner being essence we all share that permeates everything. Maybe it is seen when walking in the woods or tightening a bolt with a torque wrench and you ask for a hand and you hear someone reply, "Be right there."

Sometimes the 'boundaries' just melt away and for a moment or an eternity 'you' just disappear. What remains is what I am talking about.

Tuscon - Yes.

tucson, no, I didn't feel like you were ridiculing anything I said. You made a good point.

I understand what you mean by a feeling of oneness with the universe. I've had the same feeling. As have countless poets, mystics, artists, musicians, dancers, athletes, nature lovers, and others.

However, this feeling is entirely natural, not supernatural. It is felt with the human brain, as part of a human body, which is part of the natural world. It's a very real feeling. I know that I've had it. I'm sure many other people, including you, have had it -- given your well-spoken description of that feeling.

So now I'm still waiting for a knowing of something supernatural.

Well then, I know there are ghosts. Absolutely certain of it. Actually, I prefer the term 'spirits' or non-corporeal entities. Also, UFO's. Absolutely certain of it. As certain as there are animals in the woods.

A non-corporeal entity experience. A fun one. I have had others that were not so fun.

I used to be a veg restaurant cook. (My wife, who rarely sees me cook does not believe this.) We had some odd goings on there. Things missing and showing up in weird places. OK, people do weird shit and make mistakes. Anyway, I pulled a cake out of the oven. We were having this problem with cakes collapsing for no reason. We weren't the best professionally trained cooks, but we weren't all that bad either. This cake (carob) came out of the oven just fine, all fluffy and perfect looking. I put it on the counter. We were looking at it. Admiring it if you will and suddenly a perfect hand print appeared on the surface of the cake and pushed the center down flat just leaving the impression of the handprint and a squished cake. No physical hand anywhere close to the cake and we were not on drugs. Jaws dropped.

UFO story some other time, maybe.

Rasberries : Proof They are a Miracle Food
via Clinical Studies. Only Godlike People
have a Craving for Them.


Other miracle cancer killers clinical studies.

Curcumin (tumeric, used on curry).
AMLA (Indian Gooseberries)

Since the question you asked, Brian, was very specific to what do I know for sure, I thought about it. Naturally everything I know for sure could someday change but right now. I know for sure there is something beyond us but don't know what it is. Too many things happen, too much cannot be explained with biology, and too many of my friends see the 'other' side for me to doubt there is more than us but that doesn't work into a religion for me. It just is.

I also know for sure that there is no god who likes to intervene in people's lives, answer prayers, punish the wicked (all on his terms), and who fear of serves to keep humans in line-- supposedly. There is just no way to see an interventionist god in anything in my life or that of others.

I know for sure that i am an agnostic-- not a believer nor an atheist. Just don't know and am quite happy to be that way. Although if prove positive came along, I'd be happy to finally know for sure a lot of what i just guess on now.

I know we have an aura around us of energy but can't say that means eternal life or anything more than we are made up of energy and hence have energy that goes beyond our physical reality. I know that one because I do see it when I want to.

Mostly, the rest is more I think than know. I operate on it as if it is-- like thinking positive is better for daily living. But I can't say I know it.

Actually, I can give you Something

When I was young I used to suffer through
severe asthma attacks in great pain.
And, used to fly around at night in bed.
One night Something told me I would be given
the gift of seeing the future. Sounded good,
so I said OK.

I didn't get what I expected. Woke up next day and told my father he would be in terrible car crash. Two days later, a drunk
slammed into the back of him and he was in
the hospital for 6 months with a broken

Then I would see people and know they would die in person, or sometimes on TV. People
in perfect health. They never lived for more
than 2 weeks. I made the mistake of telling
my friends each time.

Each time the person would die within days
unexpectedly. Many times over the years this
happenned until my friends became afraid of
me. Every time I looked at them, they wondered if I saw something.

Then one day I was at a party and was drunk
with many people there. I looked at a 20 year old girl and saw she would die. She
was around quite often.

I made the mistake of telling my friends
and it quickly spread around the room.
They did not tell her, though.

That weekend she ran off with some guy
to Las Vegas and got married, quite unexpectedly. She committed suicide in
the bathroom on her wedding night.

After that, my friends would no longer
come around me.

My best friend 2 years ago was sitting with me and we were gettiing drunk at a restaurant. I told him he would need
$10,000 next week to be bailed out of jail.
He was caught with something he shouldn't have by police the next week and needed $10,000 bail.

6 months later I saw he would go to prison
for life. I didn't tell him but told my wife
and some friends.

10 days after that he was arrested by police at his home and is on a $2,000,000
bail (he can't make bail) and is still
in prison awaiting trial. I don't know what for, but he will receive no visitors.

I called the top in the housing market beforehand
and golds top. Which is still a matter of record. Only David Lane noticed my housing call, but the posts are still on his site.
Other people noticed later. My gold call
within 3 hours of the top is recorded here
on COC.

Is this supernatural ? No. It is called
remote viewing. Some people have it naturally, especially if they were ill when they were young.

Just 2 months ago I looked at my neighbor
in the face and was shocked. I knew he would
die immediately. It was very strange, because he somehow intuited I knew he was
about to die.

He said to me, "I haven't seen that look
since I was in the war. We often knew when
somebody was about to get it."

He died in his sleep a few days later.

By the way, someone here has an itch on their leg. (OK, its more than that,
lymph nodes).

If you are still alive please respond.

(It is not an exsatsangi.)

Mike Williams: are you able to Remote View the late Michael Martin's condtition and present location? Did he make it to Sach Khand, and if so, is he with Charan Singh? Were you taught the Science of Remote Viewing by the Author of the book, " Penetration", .......or by Sant Thakar Singh? Thanks. Jim S. ( from a remote location. Guess where? )

Let me be more specific.

A person here has a malignant tumor
on their leg with melenoma. You live
in Sweden (sp. ?) Scandanavia.

You see Gurinder once in awhile
at a soccer court in England.

You drive a Toyota.

You are the worst liar of history
of RS faith. A true scamster.

You would sell your mother for a
Big Mac, or veggie tostada at Del Taco.

You know you will go to hell upon
death and nothing can save you.

You have something in your name called
bum or bump.

Gundinder wipes his butt with you.

You know who you are.

Please respond if you are still alive.

And, I will tell you your horrible fate.

In detail.


Hi Jim,

My remote viewing came from horrible
asthma sickness every night when I was a kid. There was no medication then of
any effectivness. You learn to mentally seperate yourself from your body so you
can deal with the pain. You move to a
different place in your brain.

Faquir Chand also had this strange ability.
Saint Bernadette also.

It is not supernatural. It is something you wish you could get rid of.

Michael Martin was a highly unusual case.
I debated him and he would get absolutely
furious with me. Yet, I never said a single
mean word to him and treated him with respect, knowing his severe condition.

One day he said he had cursed me. I passed
it off as hot air. Then, I started getting
severe mental attacks by very powerful forces. Almost overwhelming.

I realized Martin was possessed by very potent
demons, which I had not expected. I was
familiar with demonic forces because I had
hung around Thakar alot. And, there are many
demonically possessed people in Kirpal groups. You do not see it much in Beas group, (except in people whom have an itch on their leg). You people are lucky.

Possession usually takes the form of insanity. There are many demons. They
come from the collective unconscious, so
I can't say they are supernatural. But,
they do have 'selfs' and are independent

My recent studies of the Palo Mayombe death
cult and Santeria match what I saw in Kirpal
groups. Now days Satanic groups mask themselves under a wide variety of harmless
names. They all conjure subconscious forces.
These forces all have names. Such as Jot Naranjan, Om Kar, grin.

Good da' mate

Your Remote Viewing ability sounds Naturally Super, Mike. And you might pray for protection from some of those demons you mention, because I heard they seek shelter under bridges! You might consider hooking back up to that bulldozer rope, because if you hadn't heard the news about a year ago in the snake pit, your Brother Lane never did let go of the bulldozer rope. He confessed he is not an Exer, but just didn't want to hurt your's and Brian's feelings by Coming out. He might have fooled you, Brian, and Kirpalis, but he never did fool me, because had he ever walked his talk and really cut the bulldozer rope, he was afraid he would have turned into a gorilla, because he feared MM's Hot Line directly to Anami Puresh. Cheers, Mate. Jim

Hi Jim,

Not surprised. I have a different view
of people. If there is no self, no one
exists. So, I am not able to hate people.

There are characteristics in movement,
but no movers.

I wish everyone the best of luck.

But, as for demons, they are still fair

I know we are all taught demons and the Devil do not exist. Like a fairy tale.

There are unconscious forces that rule
this world. We seem to be the puppets,
until we wake up.

These forces are incredibly cunning and

Look at the Chinese characters on your coins.

Instead of asking for proof of supernatural experiences, the question should be how many people are being subjected to psychic attack.

Mike Williams - please turn on your spell checker.

In any religion you will fail.

Christianity, Satanism ( I.E. Radhasoami),
new thought, esoteric. It will end in
failure and in self hypnotism of your
self righteousness and glorious esteem.

All religion ends in self deceit.

Only compassion breaks the chains.

And .... no book can teach compassion.

Compassion cannot be acquired from religous

Compassion has no rules and regulations.

Compassion has not a philosophy.

"If all men were angels.... there would
be no need for government."
Thomas Jefferson

Compassion can be found in abundance in the the religion that is called Sikhism. Look at the history of Bhai Kanhaiya to start with


How do you define compassion? What is it's origin? Thanks Roger

i put a spell on you...


you be... shakin all over


Hi Roger,
Compassion is complete insanity. Makes
no sense at all. Cannot be defined.

I will give you an example of a person
I know quite intimately

This strange character once saw his friend
moving a watermellon rind to throw it
in the trash to clean up the area.

Thousands of ants were on it. This stange character
got very upset with his friend. His friend stated,
"why, I am not killing them, just putting them (ants) in
the trash."

The strange character said, "The trash can is
100 feet away. How will these ants find their way
back to their families tonight ? 100 feet away is
like 20 miles for an ant. Do you want thousands
of families to be in great distress tonight ?"

Hi Tao,
I am surprised you haven't killed yourself
on a Harley yet. You must pray to St. Christopher.
Whatever God it is that has kept you alive,
is beyond me.

Are you an Arch Angel ?

It was a supernatural day when i heard of ct fletcher and start lifting


The devil shore be well and alive in this here congregation


Sawan Singh was big on not eating eggs. Here
is the incredibly shocking reason why.




P.S. I was put to sleep for a prostate
biopsy on Monday. Will get my results late

I cannot believe it could be chesse that
ends it for me. ( Number one food not to
eat for prostate and breast cancer ).

Did you know vegetarians die at the same
rate as meat eaters ? Did you know taking
a flaxseed pill every day will increase
vegans lifespans by ten years ?

It turned out not to be B 12 as expected.
But, lack of Omega 3's.


What is compassion, beyond the word Compassion?

You mentioned,

"Only compassion breaks the chains.
And .... no book can teach compassion.
Compassion cannot be acquired from religous
leaders.Compasson has no rules and
regulations.Compassion has no philosophy."

---How do we know compassion breaks anything? Was this breaking taught to someone? How do we know there are no rules and regulations? Who is saying that?

If the reason for avoiding eggs is fear of cholesterol or if you fear cholesterol and saturated fat containing foods in general you may want to take a look:

(This is not to be construed as an admonition on my part to consume foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat, but rather to dispel a myth that may be preventing some people from eating foods that they otherwise would enjoy.)


In regard to Omega 3's..Actually, there should be adequate Omega 3 fatty acids in a vegan diet that contains nuts and seeds and/or certain oils. The question is: Do YOU as an individual have the ability (enzymes) to break Omega 3 fats into the vital fatty acids EPA and DHA?

There is evidence that people of certain ancestries whose predecessors' diets were based largely on fish, such as Scandinavians, Inuit and others, lost the enzyme that converts Omega 3 to EPA and DHA because of the abundance of EPA and DHA in the oils of these fish. There was no need to break down Omega 3 for many generations and the capability of producing the enzymes for its assimilation was lost.

For this reason, since there is no convenient method to ascertain if you have this genetic predisposition or not, it is thought to be best to eat foods high in EPA DHA (fish, game, certain oils, etc.) or supplement with these fatty acids.

Hi Rooger, did you mean Roger ?

Compassion breaks the chains of nationalism.

Compassion breaks the chains of religious

Compassion breaks the chains of political

Compassion breaks the chains of class vanity.

"Who" says this ? I honestly don't know anyone
whom has a "WHO" ?

Hi Tucson,

The largest clinical analysis ever conducted
just came out. About 500,000 over 20 years.

Vegetarians vs meat eaters lifespans.

There was no difference to everyones shock.
Despite vegetarians having great numbers.

Vegans were the worst for lack of Omega 3,
vegetarians 2nd.

It turned out the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6
turned out to be the problem. The ratio.

Fish oil in recent clinical studies showed
no help to everyones surprise. Krill did
a little better. These TV people were wrong.

But, what worked perfectly was Flaxseed Oil

Same thing with folic acid, vitamin d and vitamin e and zinc. The slightest increases over whats
needed can kill you.

Another huge study showed no increase
in lifespan from people taking a multi vitamin
over those who didn't.

Greatest vitamins or sups ? Magnesium, Vit K

These are life extenders par excellance.

For example taking 500mg magnesium a day cuts you rate of dying from a heart attack by 50%.

A few nuts of any kind every day cuts death 39%.
I E Live longer than usual.

Taking the Indian Gooseberry (I take them in capsules) cuts your cholesterol and suger
diabetes numbers back to normal in 21 days
better than the best known drugs. Also
a great cancer killer.

Curcumin (tumeric) has shown to be the greatest cancer fighter of all time.


P. S. to tucson,

Yes, I know about cholesterol and the scam
of statins. It is the scaring of the arteries
that cause the problem. The scars collect
the fat. Eating meat scars the arteries.
Statins cause liver disease and cancer
and diabetes. I am not concerned about
cholesterol level at all, nor fat.

Soy milk ( 3 glasses), tomato juice, almond
milk, grape juice cut cancer 30 to 40%.

Eggs are the most dangerous food on the earth.

Cancer, heart disease, etc skyrocket beyound
belief. Look at the studies and be shocked.

Also, the falacy of high blood pressure.
You have a 4 times greater chance of dying from a heart attack with 120 than 160 heart rate.

120 in many countries is considered sick. 160
in USA, they give you high blood pressure

#4 killer of Americans ?
Perscription drugs.

My grandparents on one side were from Czech
and other side from Ireland.

Which is why I might become the worlds first
vegetarian alcholic ?

Did you know I became a vegetarian in 1976
and until a few weeks ago never ate any
fruits or vegetables ?

(Unless they were in a margarita, or on top
of a pizza.)

(Figure that one out )

I have made the life altering decision to
drink vegetable juice. And, I find tomato
juice nice (with Vodka). Almond milk and soy milk
I have stated drinking.

The greatest life extender revealed in my studies is caloric restriction. If you eat as little as possible while still maintaining your strength, AND the little food you eat is nutrient dense you stand the greatest chance of reaching your personal longevity potential.

Missing meals is beneficial. Feeling hungry is beneficial. Fasting is beneficial. This helps maintain proper insulin metabolism. Of course we should not starve but short periods of scarcity is natures way of allowing the body to expend energy in ridding itself of metabolic dross rather than assimilating it. This is not to suggest that we walk around as emaciated skeletal apparitions. You just want to stay fairly lean relative to your particular body type.

The benefits of vegetables, berries, turmeric, etc. can be taken advantage of to further enhance our potential along with a little luck...we can't control all environmental, genetic and pathogenic factors.

One thing is for certain. We will reach the end of our lives one way or another. No doubt about that. Something we all can take comfort in. We will succeed!

Once we have reproduced or passed the age, period or ability to reproduce, nature really works against us. It's like she says, "Ok, you've done your job. Now get the hell out of here." She shows no mercy.

Enjoy what you can. Really savor it if you can. All of it.

Hi Mike what I found shocking to be true is that the pharmaceutic industry together with the fda or whatever they are called in your country have stopped numerous free medicine and pushed poison beyond believe. It is the law of the money that overrules the laws of science and that also is the main reason why we are still paying for electricity. But anyhow I found vitamines to cure my mental problems with anxiety. Dr. Hoffer made numerous publications on vitamine B3 and was very successful in the treatment of mental people. At the same time the tranquillisers where invented by the pharmaceuticals. The war was ended with the fda saying that all patients that cured through vitamins where misdiagnosed and no doctor ever got the information from the vitamines studies.
I read on it (Foster) and tried them as tranquillisers. I had to optimise the dose with B3 B6 and B complex but it works like a charm and I can live a normal life again within certain boundaries. I mean I am not like before and I am depending on the vitamines but I don't need any type of poisonous medication with side effects. And I tried those too boy they where poisonous very very. So if you can fiend a doctor that knows how to use herbs and vitamines you can cure most diseases to a point where life is nice again because you use the healing capacity of the body in stead of destroying the decease cells. These cells became decease in the first place because they where dying and had no energy feed. Now we kill them off? First we starved them.
Desease takes a different way of living. It is a sign.

Oh and about cheese. I think that the rennet in the cheese that comes from calves is the part in the cheese that is not digested and stays in your stomach forever like it stayed in the calves stomach. So perhaps biological cheese is a solution to that. The RSSB might have a point there although I don't believe in a Guru that has cancer he can not cure himself.

Hi tucson and Nietzsche,

Hi tucson, we all know Radhaji planeted Indian
Gooseberries'in her garden. grin.

tucson, you were right about vit B 12. Now that I
am forced to stop eating cheese, I must become vegan.
And, vegans don't get vit B 12. You were right,
I was getting my B 12 from pizza.

My idea of a varied and wholesome diet was eating
a pizza at a different pizzeria evey day.
(This is not a joke)
(My idea of a wholesome drink is dark beer)

I told my doctors over the years I have been a vegetarian
for many many years and never eat fruit and vegetables.

They laugh, until they see I am not laughing. I have been
a junk food vegetarian since 1976. My vegetables are
green pepper and mushrooms exclusively.(on pizza)

I have not eaten an apple or orange or bannana (except
in bannana dakari) since 1976.

Now that I may have prostate cancer I find myself drinking
vegetable juice, tomato juice, almond milk.

This has been a tremendous shock to my system. I had a dream
I sprotted flower buds on my arms and people were staring at me.

Hi Nietzsche,
I was just about to order B 12 on tuscons advice, but
will get B 3 and B 6 with it. You know, satsangis do
not consider me sane. How could any one question the
Guru's will ?

P. S. Since my prostate problems I have extensively
studied cancer cures. I have been taking over 15 powerful
herbs everyday in preperation for my prostate biopsy,
which was last Monday.( Results this Thursday)

This included illegal B 17 Laetrile. I told the Chinese
doctor before the biopsy I was stuffing myself with
these powerful cures in prep for the biopsy.

3 of the herbs were Chinese. To my surprise the doctor said
that is the same thing he would have done !!
As a mathematician I had come to the conclusion a concoction
of these powerful herbs clinically proven would defeat
any cancer.

Each of these herbs had over 50% cure rate.

At any rate I will find ot Thursday. If I am unlucky I will
have to transfer my letters from Maheswari and my website
R. S. Secret History to someone else.

Currently, I see a girl from Indian on this site as best.

Ramana Maharishi had cancer does that makes his teaching not genuine? I think that is stupid. I would understand that someone doesn't believe in guru cause that guru doesn't have any proper idea or teaching to offer but not because of disease, People often judge sick people this days especially new age thinking but i think we should be prepared to help them cause they need help and we might be next, unity and oneness, that is the goal cause people are the same patterned being just the thoughts of it are different

Hey Mike,

Dr. Mark Scholz, MD examines my prostate each year and he is considered one of the best in the business. And, his approach is more wholistic and conservative. I highly recommend you check him out for further information or opinions if necessary. He's in Marina Del Rey.



Hi Bob and Moongoes,
Thanks Bob, will check it out. Old fashioned methods only increase survival 30%. My doctor
said he thinks its genetic.

If you are 80 years old, there is a 97%
chance you have prostate cancer. Below 50
years old 25% chance. No matter how good
your PSA. Huell Howser just died from it
at 67. Merv Griffen, Gary Cooper, Frank Zappa
all died from it.

You must get checked to see if you have
the agressive type. That's the bad one.
No symptoms.

Hi moongoes,
Ramana died from leg cancer as did St. Bernadette. Two of my most favorite people.

Bernadette had severe asthma as a kid also.
Ram Chandra could see the future also and
would sometimes print it in books way
ahead of time. Faquir Chand could do the same.

Common denominator, they were very sick as children and in pain.

Hi Mike,

Pizza and beer got you this far, so they must not be all that bad.

Tarragon, rosemary and basil are all thought to be cancer preventatives and are commonly found in pizza sauce and seasoning. So, you have inadvertently been a regular health food junkie on an anti-cancer protocol all these years. Who knew?

So, take heart. The biopsy may be OK and if not, you will have what practically all men will get sooner or later if they live long enough. Many times, as you know, it is a slow developing cancer and remains confined within the prostate. Usually one of the other delightful maladies available to us as humans will cause our demise before prostate cancer metastasizes and does the job. So, this should really cheer you up regardless of the biopsy results.

Best wishes. Really.

Hi Moongoes I don't blame the guru to get cancer I blame him for going for the option to destroy the cells in the western way. I would expect a more integral approach to curing cancer like Mike does. Gurinder simple goes to the western doctor and kills his cells with chemicals. What an example for his followers. In my opinion Gurinder knows little about real healing techniques he has become a very western culture adept and that is not inspiring me with the feeling that he could teach me something. He seems lost himself. That is all. No problem but should seek help. Hope he does and hope he becomes happy and cured again. All the best!

By the way Mike if you don't mind that I will throw some of the results of my research her on cancer. Rife has found that cancer was a virus.
He used a microscope that had impossible magnification for light but I think it is very well possible if you understand what light realy is. Rife uses tubes to heal among others cancer. I have a Tesla coil that produces vibrations in the aether something like Rife's tubes and I had it accidentally designed at 3,2MHz. Now I was having a common flue but very bad. I cured it in one day by just using the Tesla coil. Later I found that Rife had found in his research that 3,2MHz was exactly the frequency that kills the flue virus. I think it is also the frequency that kills the cancer virus. I know it will not help you right now but I do believe you could search in this virus direction and common things like sunlight and vitamin C can be very helpful. Another big name in this area is Wilhelm Reich also held the virus hypotheses. They used light microscopes where all others use electron microscopes and an electron microscope can not be used to study living tissue but the quantum theorie says light can not be used below a certain distance. Turns out to be bs. Tesla knew light is more that the transversal wave we think it is.

Thanks to tucson, Bob, Nietzsche, Tao,
Moongoes and all.

I have already died a thousand times in my
life. One more wouldn't make any difference.

But, I don't know if my wife could make it
on her own. And, I just got a new dog I like.

tucson is trying so hard to keep me alive
I actually ate a bunch of radishes today
for him.

By the way, tomato paste has had clinical
studies which are mind bending. Appears
to be lycopene.

And, there is a herb that tricks the body
into thinking it is starving and turns
on the survival mechanism. Life extender,
but I forget which one.

Thanks to Willie for telling me to turn
on my spell checker. (But, I do this in
defiance of the New World Order and to
hide key words from the CIA (grin).)

Hi Nietzsche,


In my research on prostate cancer I spent quite a bit of time
investigating electrical devices. Above is Dr. Bob Beck.
Wizard whon invented many of the electrical devices used
in hospitals. Remarkable device he invented cures almost

There is a clinically proven herb that kills colds and flu dead.
Echinacea is incredible for this.

There is a doctor from Italy whom wrote the book Cancer is a
Fungus. He has cured almost every type of cancer known by
getting baking soda to the afflicted parts and even sending
through the blood and brain.

This doctor is astonishing and on You Tube. This so far in my
reseach is the most documented in history. He is light years ahead
of everybody.

Did you know coffee, 3 glasses alchohol a day, teaspoon baking soda,
are each fantastic cancer killers in clinical trials ?

Note to tucson,
I drink rose wine with pizza (resveratrol). Now I must find a pizzeria
that can make pizza without cheese. Can I order a pizza and tell
them to hold the cheese ? Does anybody use soy cheese ?

I once knew a vegetarian so hungry he ordered a cheese burger and
and told the person at the push cart to hold the burger. She gave him
extra lettuce. There was nowhere else to eat.

I used to eat at a Mexican restaurant (cheese enchiladas) outdoor.
The sparrows would fly down on the lip of the bowl containing the
chips. Take one and fly back in the tree.

I go to Del Taco often. Waiting in line in my car the woman in front
had a ton of kids. I was upset she didn't go inside she was taking
so long. So, I honked my horn.

A huge Mexican woman with tatoos got out, bent over ... and farted at
me. I backed out the driveway and went to Taco Bell.


Your Something Else was/is really something. And so are you.

Elizabeth W

Yes Bob Beck is on the right track. Here is a video of Bob with Eric Dollard.


Dollard is the one that figured out Tesla and demonstrated every patent Tesla has registered by doing exactly as Tesla instructed and not making any improvements. Dollard gives lectures on Maxwell, quarternions, vectors, versors, Einstein and Thomson etc. Basically his conclusion is that this is an electromagnetic universe with an electromagnetic aether. In that he step a hundred years back to Maxwells time proving his points with Tesla's experiments. I am reproducing them too and Tesla coils are healing without doubt. Tesla showed the world another road into understanding the transformers that or bodies really are for cosmic energy. Babbitt made beautiful drawings of the atom resembling the energy flows in a human body. Light years ahead of our time.


I strongly believe you will heal and if you decide to leave it is ok too. We can wander in this universe forever because it follows our believe system but it has gone much to far for many of us. Sometimes I wish I could leave because it ain't fun anymore with all these darkforces greedy and jealous people all the way.

A huge Mexican woman with tatoos got out, bent over ... and farted at
me. I backed out the driveway and went to Taco Bell.

Where they fart in the food...nothing personal.


I'm so sorry for the abuse you endured by the huge farting woman. This is simply wrong. This happens often at Wal-Mart. Beware, as these Wal-Mart women (if you can call them women) often are wearing way too tight pants with their ass-cracks showing which just adds to the trauma.

You can make pizza with garbanzo/tahini spread sort of like hummus. Top it with whatever suits your fancy... olives, tomato sauce, pesto sauce, fake or real sausage, etc. I won't mention that you can put vegetbles and fruit like pineapple on as well because I don't want to scare you.

Mike Williams i wanted to die with all of my young age but suratshabd meditation saved me and i found out why everything was like that. Yes Mike you have to live for You and your wife (angel) cause even one life is precious. your moon, Love

Here is whole plan you need and if you want i can send you pdf book from Markus Rothkranz


Hi Mike the postings from yesterday seems to have disappeared (what a coincidence ;))

But I said Bob Beck is on the right track here is a video with Bob and Eric Dollard where they investigate Tesla coils and the Lakhovsky antenna so you see where his ideas come from. The miracle with these coils is that the energy does penetrate the body and seems not to be shielded like a normal electromagnetic wave. That is how Tesla envisioned his wireles power transportation through the earth. Eric Dollard replicated every Tesla patent by not making any improvements on what was written. There is no mathematics yet to calculate the principles of the Tesla coils because Tesla had the modelling calculator in his head and never developed a mathematical model. It just worked just like his electric generator that was only understood decades later. Tesla did not need the mathematics. As you search Tesla has a number of patents on machines for health. Drawings how they work, not explanations. It took Steinmetz to explain alternative current to the world and it took Heaviside to explain transversal electromagnetics and light. Now we need Dollard to explain the Tesla wave and he has to go back to Maxwell that worked with quarternions that are four dimensional vectors imaginaire in three axes. He believes in counter space as did Rudolf Steiner. Both think Einstein took the wrong track. With Tesla there was a new type of understanding of the universe coming but free energy was not what the people in power had in mind. So our culture took a divergence on the road by not following our culture we can make all the difference.


This is how Babbitt envisioned the atom and the human body as a transformer for cosmic energy.


To Moongoes. I don't blame Gurinder for the cancer but he handles it just like he handled the bees in his garden with dnt and chemo therapie. He is very western thinking and does not have much regard for the bees that are at the root of our whole foodsystem nor his own body. He should inspire his pupils to look for a better therapy for cancer like Mike does.

Hi tucson and Elizabeth
Tucson asked me, "Do YOU as an individual have the ability
(enzymes) to break Omega 3 fats into the vital fatty acids EPA and DHA?"

Well, I think that might be something only Shiv Dayal could do. (Staying
on topic.) That's a good question and quite frankly, one no one has ever asked
me that before, nor have I pondered the supposition previously.

My answer is yes. Doubt there is any problem in that regards. And, I forgot
about the role of nuts for Omega 3'. Just started eating nuts. It seems just a lack of
Omega 3's my problem. Clinical studies just released show bad results for fish oil
and only a little better for krill. There can be some bad side effects with these.

It turns out Flaxseed oil supplements are the big winner in studies.
So, I take those now. Studies showed vegans have worst Omega 3 to Omega 6
ratios, followed 2nd by vegetarians. They have proven this is why
vegans only live as long as meat eaters.

Bump up the ratio and vegans will live alot longer. You bring up a good point.
If the vegans in the studies ate nuts, would they be getting enough Omega 3's.
The studies would seem to indicate that vegans as a whole don't eat enough
nuts. I know I didn't.

Studies show nuts do not make you gain weight, despite their high calories.
It appears that when you are at rest, nuts make you burn more energy, which
almost completely nullifies the high calories. This was a surprise. In fact
a shock.

Hi Elizabeth,
Nice to see you. It appears I have been very naive about the food industry
and perscription drug industry. These people on COC are teaching me some great
stuff and making me think alot. My complete diet is changed recently.

Tucson is presenting some remarkable facts along with others. It appears
I needed a wake up call.

I drink rose wine with pizza (resveratrol).


Hi tucson and Elizabeth
Tucson asked me, "Do YOU as an individual have the ability
(enzymes) to break Omega 3 fats into the vital fatty acids EPA and DHA?"

Well, I think that might be something only Shiv Dayal could do. (Staying
on topic.) That's a good question and quite frankly, one no one has ever asked
me that before, nor have I pondered the supposition previously.

My answer is yes. Doubt there is any problem in that regards. And, I forgot
about the role of nuts for Omega 3'. Just started eating nuts. It seems just a lack of
Omega 3's my problem. Clinical studies just released show bad results for fish oil
and only a little better for krill.

It turns out Flaxseed oil supplements are the big winner in studies.
So, I take those now. Studies showed vegans have worst Omega 3 to Omega 6
ratios, followed 2nd by vegetarians. They have proven this is why
vegans only live as long as meat eaters.

Bump up the ratio and vegans will live alot longer. You bring up a good point.
If the vegans in the studies ate nuts, would they be getting enough Omega 3's.
The studies would seem to indicate that vegans as a whole don't eat many
nuts. I know I didn't.

Studies show nuts do not make you gain weight, despite their high calories.
It appears that when you are at rest, nuts make you burn more energy, which
almost completely nullifies the high calories. This was a surprise.

I got so nervous at the biopsy my blood pressure was 193/110. The day
before it was 138/90. So, the nurse said we have to calm you down and
shot me with a tranquilizer to get it down prior to putting me to sleep.

In a simi conscious state the 4 nurses were talking like crazy to each
other. And, I kept mumbling out, " Chatty Kathy's, Chatty Kathy's ."
Next thing I knew a girl walked in hooked on some tube to my device
and I was out like a light. Don't remember a thing.

Hi Elizabeth,
Nice to see you. It appears I have been very naive about the food industry
and perscription drug industry. These people on COC are teaching me some great
stuff and making me think alot. My complete diet is changed recently.

Tucson is presenting some remarkable facts along with others. It appears
I needed a wake up call.

Our pal Mike wrote:

"It turns out Flaxseed oil supplements are the big winner in studies."

--I think flax oil is so perishable that even if it is kept cold it is likely that some of the fat is oxidized and becomes somewhat rancid which accounts for the bad taste that many people experience. If one uses a coffee grinder or food processor to grind the seeds and sprinkle them on food the flax would be much less likely to have oxidation of its fatty acids. Oxidation in the body is one of the precursors to inflammation and heart disease. Ironically the vegetable oils so many people think are healthful actually cause oxidative damage in the body. Olive oil, coconut oil, to name two do not oxidize as easily as say, corn, safflower, sunflower and soy oils.

Nuts and seeds are great foods eaten in their whole form for their beneficial fats, proteins and other nutrients and phytochemicals. So beneficial are they that they are almost supernatural. (just to stay on topic)

Pistachios are thought to be beneficial for the prostate by the way.

One thing I see not mentioned here was a big eye opener to me. The bread we eat has been manipulated to produce more energy with less soil. When I start eating normal bread again my stommach swell up and I am gaining fat very rapidly. Remember you eat butter and sweets with the bread and normal bread I have to take a lot or I just keep eating it for some modified reason.
Now I started to eat what is called 'spelt' bread. I immediately found out that much less stops the hunger. Digestion gets better and fat is totally gone. Sports could not stop that bread easily did. This whole obesitas thing is caused by the bread we eat.
Thanks for the tips on the nuts I was taking fish oil every day but I should take more nuts to get less nuts :) By the way algae are the source for the omega 3 in fish so eating seaweed and algae directly ain't so bad at all;) There are also omega 3 pills based on algae for vegetarians. They are even better than the oils.
Don't forget about selenium.

I really agree with Tucson,

Hi tuscon,

Speaking of the supernatural and we all know the collective
unconsciousness exists. When people do a past life regression,
how do they know it was THIER life they are seeing ? Why
do people think it was theirs and not someone else's ?

My Flax oil capsules, which look like a yellow diamond, are dated
Sept. 2016. Whole ground, as you mention, are better.

Hi Mike,
All lives are our own, I think. Or you could say the One is also Many. We've heard this a thousand times. I can hear the yawns.

We all were Hitler.
We all were Ghandhi.
We are the girl next door.

I am he as you are me as we are altogether.

Nothing new.

Hi tucson, Nietzsche and gang,

Received the results from the biopsy today,
all negative. I was quite shocked. It is
almost a mathematical impossibilty given
my PSA and symptoms.

I do not know if I cured myself before
the biopsy, or if I never had it. Was
taking 15 to 20 high powered herbs and
illegal Laetrile, B 17 for a few months before.

My whole life I have felt that Something
supernatural has been keeping me alive.

The odds did not favor my being here.

Brian, are you OK ? Have been wondering
if some source is disturbing you.

tucson, could you tell me your age ?


Happy. It was the Everything Else that did it.

Elizabeth W

Glad to hear the great news Mike!

I think it would be wise to continue a cancer-preventative approach well into the future. Some things to consider:

- keep track of your blood sugar to avoid glucose spikes - check HA1C occasionally
- stick with herbs such as green tea, curcumin, and boswelia that have ant-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties
- eat plenty of greens and good fruits (berries are the best!)Pomelia also good
- exercise - I like HIIT
- maintain a healthy balance between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids - anti-inflammatory
- Be truthful to yourself
- Have some fun!

Also, check out salicinium - something good to keep in your tool box. It's easily obtainable.



Wonderful news Mike. Blessings to you.. Agree with Elizabeth.. It was The Something Else that did it...Tucson glad to know I can also be The Girl Next Door, all my life I just wanted to be ordinary.

hi Bob F, June, Elizabeth, Nietzshe, tucson,

Just got the computerized results over
the internet. 12 sections taken. All benign.
Recent apoptosis present.

This means I had prostate cancer and it
is now gone. The cocktail worked.

Yes, the cancer cells must be broken open
as Bob mentioned. I used Zeoco and bromelain
for this purpose.

The B-17, Laetrile, (illegal across state line) has cyanide in it.) It is deadly if you take Vit C with it. It releases the cyanide on the cancer only.

Cordyceps mushroom extract, Paw Paw (from
master chemist at Sunshine), Resveratrol
3,000 mg a day, Moscapine, Qi of Yan Xin Qigong,pygeum Africanum, silibinin, AMLA,
astaxanthin, curcumin with bioperine,beer hops (taken naturally), Zyflamend, Red
clover, Celastrol,rasberry extract, black seed, Tums, sistosterol and many others.

These were part of my daily cocktail.

This works perfect for breast cancer also.
Breast cancer has same cures. Mistletoe extract also good for this.

This is not supernatural.
Thankyou for your kindness.


Glad to hear the supernaturally good report.

Regarding my age: 'I' who am the One have no age. When could I have been born and when could I die..I who am no thing and everything, timeless and transcendent?
(and resplendent by the way)

Now to cut the crap. My prostate is 65.

Good to hear u got the all clear, may your something else bless u eternally with good health.

Ultimately we are everything and everything is us

Hi Harry and tucson,

I went from absolutely knowing nothing about health, to actually curing
my prostate cancer in a matter of months. I was researching 12 hours a day
for these months. It was so easy to do, a little kid could have done it.

Here is the simplistic logic. Find clinical trials for the last 2 years,
which show a 50% chance of cure from exotic high powered herbs and such.
Find enough of these exotic cures to push my chances of curing myself
up to 90%. Use huaman studies if possible, if not rats will do.

I found 20 cures in the range of 25% to 75%. For example, taking Melatonin
before going to bed at night cuts your chances of getting prostate cancer
75% in clinical studies.

My final computations showed there should be an 87% chance I would be cured
by the time of the biopsy. Again, this is a cure, not a temporary remedy.

Along with the cures I did strange remedies such as maple syrup with
baking soda. Cancer attacks the sugar to feed and the baking soda kills
the cancer. Many people with terminal cancer have cured themselves with
this method.

Then I drank tons of tomato, soy, grape and almond juice and stopped eating

The B-17, Laetrile, (illegal across state line) has cyanide in it.)

Cordyceps mushroom extract, Paw Paw (from
master chemist at Sunshine), Resveratrol
3,000 mg a day, Moscapine, Qi of Yan Xin Qigong,pygeum Africanum, silibinin, AMLA,
astaxanthin, curcumin with bioperine,beer hops (taken naturally), Zyflamend, Red
lover, Celastrol,rasberry extract, black seed, Tums, sistosterol and some others.

These were part of my daily cocktail.

This works perfect for breast cancer also.
Breast cancer has same cures. Mistletoe extract also good for this.

This is not supernatural.

This was my childish cure, because I am a simple person. And, am just
to stupid to know better.

I opted for Somethig Else, other than what the doctor could give.

Good to know Something Else is watching over you Mike. Hope she/he is watching us too because we do need it.

To stay on topic I have some more superscientifical stories here. Not everyone is ready for this one and I am still in the progress but a door is being opened so keep it open and don't let them shut it again.


May Something Else be with us ;)

Mike, i think your being rather modest, thats a lot of research.
I dont think i could have done all that.
Cheers to your good health. harry

Hi Harry, Nietzsche and tucson,

Kentucky Fried Chicken worker suspended after 'putting pubic hair in customer's meal because she was told to smile more'


Guys, you're all being so nice and kind to each other its a pleasure to read your comments. I read Churchless every day and usually feel grumpy so new resolution from now on not to take offence at others who I disagree with. So, well done and keep on being compassionate and that supernatural something else be with ya.

After reading the Daily Mail clipping, I am now inclined to agree with your very own words that you are a simple person and stupid. How disappointing to know this of you, Mike.
Elizabeth W.

Hi jen,

The fact is no one knows everything. I
am astonished at how naive I am every day.

Jaimal a Muslim name in origin.
Sawan Singh met him first time in what
is now Pakistan.

For years I thought the dark ages were
caused by the invasions of the Germanic tribes on the Romans, like everyone else.

It has now been proven the dark ages were
caused by the Muslims. They took the entire
Mediterranean Sea area all the way to the Atlantic.

They dominated the Med Sea and held all the land touching it on both sides, from about
700 A.D. to 1492.

The Muslims had their jihad in every country
they invaded.

We now know the Muslims killed 270 million
people in their conquests. 60 million
Christians and 30 million Hindus, amoung others.

They enslaved white people by the millions.
They had harems of blond white women.

They went and burned all the great libraries
and all the books.

Mohammed notes he was in contact with Satan
in the Koran.

Muslims don't believe Jesus died on the cross, but rather assended to heaven.

They claim another man was crucified
in Jesus place.

The Koran was passed by mouth until after
Mohhamed died. There were various versions
at first until one ruler brought the versions into one final print.

For COC members,
We now know for certain Muslims killed
270,000,000 people in their centuries
of domination of the Med. Sea.

We now know Christians have killed
hundreds of millions of native
American Indians from Columbus
to 1800'S, in North and South America's.

Is religion your friend, or your enemy ?

The last Pope asked we forgive them.


Why I Don't like Lesbians

There are two factions, the dominant
and the submissive.

The later are cool, no problem.

The dominant think they are God's
gift to mankind. Remarkably egotistical.

I believe all dominant lesbians should
be spanked.

(Preferably by big burly men.)

For COC members

If you're a member of COC, Mike, you're a COC sucker.

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