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March 30, 2014


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The word 'belief' is incorrect

Those hearing the Sweet Sound,
while you are telling this
They are SURE
To tell a Lover, She shouldn't , . . .
That is not particulary
a proof of IQ


Love you all

777, where did you get the crazy idea that anyone (on this blog, I assume) tells someone what or who to love?

Love is an individual's business. Reality is everybody's business. If you love your meditation, great. I love my wife and dog, plus many other things.

Of course you are sure you love what you love. So am I. So are we all. But this doesn't make love into something objectively real.


I love channeling my "self." My Oversoul is Eternal Flame. Who"s self have you been channeling, Brian,...........considering you have determined you have no self? Cheers, Jim

Brian , . . That's exactly what I tried to say
but your english is much better

You said :
"Yet how smart is it to waste a lot of time debating people who do believe in this theological crap?"

Not smart at all.
because some love what you call crap


Oh yes - egos are very ferocious. They kill each other all the time.

Well Smart or not I don't know, but apparently Brian you are a terrorist:

Now let's hope the TSA doesn't catch wind of this :)

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