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January 04, 2014


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Good post.

Point well made, but I still have a problem with the government telling me what I must buy.

If I don't want to pay for an insurance policy that includes contraceptive services, for religious or other reasons, why should I have to? What business is that of the government?

A law that requires you to purchase a product (contraceptive coverage) is different in principle from a law, say, that prohibits you from driving drunk. The former is dictating your personal business, the latter protects the public.

A law that requires you to purchase a product (contraceptive coverage) is different in principle from a law, say, that prohibits you from driving drunk. The former is dictating your personal business, the latter protects the public.

Irresponsible reproduction is worse than drunk driving. If you have to qualify for a license to drive but not to reproduce, the problem isn't what the law prohibits, but what it allows.

Being forced to purchase contraceptive insurance does not make sense if a person is 73 years old with a hysterectomy.

Also, I'm not sure giving birth to ten children is worse than driving drunk and forcing a bus off a bridge with ten kids in it.

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