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December 03, 2013


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"E pluribus unum"
that's pure advaita !

Here they say : "In God we trust"


Brian wrote :- "They wrongly take aspects of their personal inner world to be objectively real for everyone (such is the mistake of religious fundamentalists). They deny scientific truths like evolution and global warming."

It took me quite a time to realize that people did not share my 'inner world.' Knowing this helps enormously when communicating with others - even with those who deny aspects of the objective world.

It isn't possible for you to be anyone other than who you are at every moment. So why the reluctance to express yourself openly, honestly, forthrightly?

Really? I should just blurt out what comes immediately to mind? Never weigh my words or consider the consequences? Disregard the effect I'll have on others? Okay, whatever you say.

It took me quite a time to realize that people did not share my 'inner world.' Knowing this helps enormously when communicating with others - even with those who deny aspects of the objective world.

Turan, I may be mistaking you for someone else, but are you not a global-warming denier?

Remember: your experience of life is yours alone.

..... Yes absolutely and that's why Brian's statement:

Glory in your uniqueness while marveling at the world’s commonality.

....... makes complete sense.

.... But, it does not necessarily follow that:

It isn’t possible for you to be anyone other than who you are at every moment.

....... IMO, it's very much possible and that's what most of us do most of the time whether we are at home, office, or a religious place etc. In fact, our behavior is highly governed by the "role" we are playing at a particular place and time. We behave according to the situation at hand and don't (or don't have the courage to) just speak our mind. Moreover, everyone also "justifies" different behaviors at different places by taking the cover of following the "norms". In truth, however, it's the "fear" of consequences that stops us from being our own self.

Social psychology is full of theories to explain such behaviors by human beings.

So why the reluctance to express yourself openly, honestly, forthrightly?

........ In fact, the very few who do have the courage to express themselves "openly, honestly, forthrightly" end up, more often than not, being "unacceptable" to the society, rather than being among the "rich / successful / famous". The only satisfaction they can have is the "self-satisfaction" in spite of not being "successful" (in the sense the word successful is understood by a majority in the society), and there, simply, are not many people who would like to be in that category.

Great post Brian, nice and simple for me.

I was always told not to judge my insides with the outsides of others. I've learned that my insides sometimes spring forth awesome experiences that I can't translate to others, but try and think sometimes we have this mutual connection and that is just awe-inspiring! Of course this is just a guess, theory, but I believe it does happen, a simultaneous connection of some kind. It doesn't happen very often for me, though.


Thanks, cc, for the link. I really enjoyed reading the article.

To cc. Global warming denier, not guilty. What makes you think that?

To cc. Global warming denier, not guilty. What makes you think that?

Mistook you for someone else...sorry.

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