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September 27, 2013


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Blogger Brian - I am 8 months behind you, having turned 64 this past June. Unlike you, I have a laundry list of ailments, anomalies and infirmities - if I listed them all, you would likely involuntarily develop a facial expression involving a furrowed brow, a squint, and a faint snarl about the mouth. Yeah, that one.
About twenty years ago, when my waistline was beginning to expand, my primary care physician cautioned me that if I did not get serious about weight control, bending down to tie my shoes would eventually become an ordeal. Now that I look like I swallowed a basketball, I can tell you for sure that he was not exaggerating.
And yet, I steadfastly refused to heed the warnings. There is no plausible explanation for why I had done so.
It is possible to live for a long time in very poor health. Even though I know for certain that I will never feel good ever again, I still find life to be quite amusing. It's one of the few benefits of being a solipsistic pessimist.

I turn 70 the same day you turn 65 if I recall your date. I am excited by it. I have friends the same age and reconnected with more through our 50th high school reunion and have seen a huge difference in what old age means. It's not all about exercise or diet but genetics plays a role. The main thing is old age is going to be different than middle age and that in itself is exciting. Something new from our bodies that we will experience as we head into that aspect of life that all our family before us already went. It's the reverse of what my granddaughter at 15 has been experiencing as she heads into womanhood. Changes come all the time and that alone is interesting-- if not always welcome.

What I think is what you said-- exercise, eat responsibly and be flexible. Stay creative and always open to new creative endeavors and that lasts a long time that old folks can be creative in their lives and what they do. Don't bemoan the past or wish away the present. Just be where you are and live it fully. I think we have acquired some life wisdom by old age and share it when we get the chance but understand a lot of young people don't want to hear it. Did we? *s*

Its when a sudden illness hits you and knocks the stuffing out of you and chronic pain continues for years on end and you have fond memories of being healthy and pain free. Thats the challenge. The medical profession can only offer drugs which in all probability will have harmful effects so then its trying all the alternative type remedies and living in hope and not succumbing to depression.

Nowadays I think death will be a happy relief and I no longer want to believe in reincarnation. I certainly don't want to come back again. Nothingness sounds good to me.

No meaning to life... just looking around and seeing so much suffering... and then there are the lucky people... no sense to it all

As long as you're healthy, it doesn't matter how old you are. But as soon as you've lost your health and all hope of recovering it, it's time to schedule your euthanasia. It's legal in Oregon.

just me wrote:

"No meaning to life... just looking around and seeing so much suffering... and then there are the lucky people... no sense to it all"

--just me, you may be right but just try to enjoy just being. No matter how much you are reduced from what you were, life still happens around you. There are opportunities, just different ones. And there are sights and sounds.

Yeah, pain hurts, but your mind can still engage as on this blog. You can interact, you CAN do what you can do. You inspired me to write this extraordinarily profound comment.

Stephen Hawking has interests and purpose even though he is reduced to being able to do nothing but pee, crap and blow into a tube. You CAN interact with those around you in a way that inspires and helps them which in turn will do that for you. It's not over, it's just not ideal. Chin up..

"You CAN interact with those around you in a way that inspires and helps them which in turn will do that for you. It's not over, it's just not ideal." - tucson

"No meaning to life... just looking around and seeing so much suffering... and then there are the lucky people... no sense to it all" - just me

IMO, while tucson looks at life as glass half full, just me prefers to look at it as glass half (or even more) empty.

Dear tucson, thanks. Your kindness made me tear up and at the same time smile :)

Avi, the intent behind your words made me cry.

just me,

My words might have hurt your feelings but, believe me, I had no such intention. I was just comparing two comments in terms of points of view. I do apologize anyway. But, don't you think that claiming to "know the intent behind someone's words" is a sign of ego that one, and especially satsangis, should refrain from? I mean, you could have been straightforward in letting me know that my words hurt your feelings, and I would have simply apologized to you.


When I read tucson's comment I felt his intent which was very kind and it touched my heart.

Then I read your comment and emotionally reacted to what I "felt" was the intent behind your words. Was there some kind of passive aggression or covert hostility there?

You say, ... claiming to"know the intent behind someone's words" is a sign of ego... I really don't get what you mean because I am not in denial of the ego self.

Just a feeling person, over sensitive I suppose.

while tucson looks at life as glass half full, just me prefers to look at it as glass half (or even more) empty.

George Carlin undermined the whole question of whether the glass is half full or half empty by saying that the glass is too big.

Who or what created the glass? This who or what really needs to explain why the glass was intentionally created to be too big. IMO, someone needs to pour more liquid into this bigger glass. Okay there, I have solved this problem.

someone needs to pour more liquid into this bigger glass. Okay there, I have solved this problem.

No, you've perpetuated it. The glass signifies your expectations relative to your circumstances. To have unreasonable, unrealistic expectations is to have a glass half-full/half-empty. To have reasonable, realistic expectations is to work with what you have without distraction by ideas about the status of your situation.

"No meaning to life... just looking around and seeing so much suffering... and then there are the lucky people... no sense to it all" - just me

I wonder who/what should be held responsible for this "No meaning to life......"?

Is this the God?

Is this the "past/present life karma" of people (both "lucky" and not so lucky)? Is there really anything called "luck" in the first place?

or Is this the people (majority of politicians, businessmen, god men/women ....... and also the rest of us, who are better off than many) who CAN make things change (at least somewhat)for the "not so lucky"?

I know it is easy to debate but hard to find answers to the above questions, and so rather than looking for the answers and complaining about the imperfect world, if each one of us starts doing our bit in our own unique way for the "not so lucky", the world CAN become a better place. At least, we all should try.

I am not trying to preach anything ..... just a few thoughts about what I really believe in and also practice.

Just feel like talking a bit about "karma" .....
I lived in city X, India for several years. X used to be and still continues to be (although things have improved just a little bit lately) one of the most polluted cities of the world. I used to have some sort of minor respiratory problem almost every other month and for that I had to take some antibiotic on regular basis. Given the kind of upbringing I had had, I took that regular suffering in my stride and even attributed that to my bad "karma" of past life/lives. About a decade ago, I moved to a comparatively much cleaner place (in terms of atmosphere) called Y(India) which is closer to the Himalayas and guess what..... The minor respiratory problems almost disappeared! I am not sure whether it had something to do with my karma! And then, about six years ago, I moved to the USA - at a place Z which is much more clean than even Y. As far as I can remember, I have taken the antibiotic only once ever since I came here.

I wonder if my story suggests a cause and effect relationship between the quality of air we breathe in and the respiratory diseases we have or if it is the "karma theory" at work or if I have moved from the category of the "suffering" to the one of "lucky" people or if all this is just a coincidence!!! ....... I just don't know ....

By the way, even my other family members who moved with me (to Y and later to Z) also experienced similar changes in terms of health, and for that I am grateful to the "reality" ..... borrowing from Brian.

A secular sacred sacrament; you crack me up Brian! lol

It appears that we have stumbled upon a subject that sparks interest with your readers. Their comments, as well as your reply, seems to reflect a realistic view on the matter. The Wise Man in the hill is a myth after all, it turns out he was a hillbilly pretending to be the Wizard of Oz.

I envy the quality of patience you exercise towards us younger folk who are still shooting their arrows into the stars and dreaming dreams. Perhaps one ought to put their legs up to Jesus instead...

If we are all going to hell in a hand basket, why should anyone give two hoots about anything, a perpetual cosmic joke, has a bit of a gnostic demiurge feel to it, but who am I to say what orbits this world, I, one who prefers to sign his name with a small letter j.

Self actualization being a myth & all, this stuff that the Universities are pumping out must be some kind of glaze that keeps the multitude going around in circles; come one come all, Samsara's circus has the highest ferris-wheel out there!

My gratitude picks up volume as it staggers 'on down the street, footprints dressed in red'. Your council is both sound and insightful my dear Brian. May it echo down the long halls of reflection, an imprint upon humanities compulsion for illusion's truth...

Truly yours,


PS: I will soon attempt to put my lazy bones in gear to respond to your other blog.

"Perhaps one ought to put their legs up to Jesus instead..."

---now thats really kinky, sure glad I live in Las Vegas where everything is totally normal.

To hear the beautiful continues Shabd
changes everything
You realize that you are just that music

It is like at old age again being the Love yourself

It is in a rythm Up & Down, it's like dancing

Death is something then of the far past
because you are not these braincells anymore

Many simple illiterate people have that sound
all their life
In fact everybody has but most are to much in accumulating ther ego

For the Sound you don't need a thing, it's
like hearing a beautiful song, better, like falling in love each day again
is the best expression
Its WOW and very unbelievable, hence these comments above
concerning the brain only

How to get ready for old age.


Holy man's dream leads to government hunt for $40b gold treasure
Ana Komnenic | October 19, 2013

The Indian government has sent a team of diggers to unearth a suspected 1,000-tonne pile of gold from beneath an ancient temple.

But information on the buried treasure doesn't come form an archaeological survey or any other scientific endeavor. In fact, the individual behind the tip-off is Swami Shoban Sarkar, a holy man who dreamed of finding the gold.

According to a report by CNBC, Sarkar "said he was approached in a dream by a 19th century ruler called Rao Ram Bux Singh who told him about the $40 billion bonanza buried near an ancient temple."

Hoping the find would help ease India's financial troubles – which stem largely from massive amounts of gold imports – Sarkar told the Archaelogical Survey of India (ASI) about his dream.

ASI sent a 12-person team to the site on Friday to uncover 200-square meters of land beside the temple.

A recent report, from the Hindustan Times, said that on Saturday the group was 'inches' away from the suspected treasure.

But another report, from DNA India, says officials reported Friday evening that "there was no clue of any treasure and the excavation could go on for a month."

The excavation is taking place in the village of Daundia Khera, in the northern state Uttar Pradesh.

Since reporting his initial prediction, Sarkar has also told officials of a second suspected gold burial site: The Swami believes there is a 2,500-tonne pile of gold beneath another temple in the same region.

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