I'm pretty patient with people who want to leave religious'y comments on this blog. But eventually my patience wears thin.
I don't mind a few "I love [insert name of divine being] so much!" kinds of comments. Hey, I've been there and done that -- wanted to share my religious zeal with the world.
Eventually, though, the situation becomes akin to an alcoholic coming to a 12-step group where the members are dedicated to weaning themselves from a dependency on excessive drinking. And supporting each other in finding non-alcoholic ways of living life.
The first question is: why is an alcoholic coming to a place where people don't drink a lot? That's the same sort of question I ask myself when a religious person starts leaving comments on this blog.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, members of a 12-step group first would assume that the alcoholic wants help in breaking his addiction. If not, why isn't he in a bar or at home getting drunk? Likewise, I figure that anyone who visits a Church of the Churchless blog is interested in churchlessness.
At first, though, an alcoholic might want to talk some about how much he enjoys drinking, how good it makes him feel, what delights he gets from losing himself in an inebriated state of consciousness.
After all, it isn't easy to break free from a long-established excessive-drinking habit. Nor is it easy to release oneself from the bondage of religious dogma. Hey, it feels good to think "I'm special! God has a plan for me! I'm going to heaven while others are going to hell!"
However, what if an alcoholic never stops talking about how much he likes to drink? What if he shows no sign of wanting to become sober? Or at least a controlled moderate drinker?
Then members of the 12-step group would be justified in viewing him as an intruder, a trouble-maker, an alcoholic who is in denial about his alcoholism and only is interested in justifying his addiction to other people.
Other people who know what it is like to be an alcoholic. Other people who have "been there and done that" with excessive drinking. Other people who aren't interested in regressing now that they've progressed to a healthier way of living.
They'd be entirely justified in saying to the preachy alcoholic, "You need to take your act to a bar. Other drunks likely would enjoy what you're saying. We don't."
This is how I feel about preachy religious people who try to dominate comment conversations on this blog. I'll tolerate them for a while. Proabably longer than I should, because I prefer to let people have their say, so long as their saying is at least somewhat related to the purpose of this blog:
Preaching the gospel of spiritual independence. Not preaching religious dogmatism.
Try going into a biker bar and screaming "Guys who ride Harley's are pussies! American cycles are crap!" Try going into a meeting of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and yelling, "Animals have no rights! Eat them and beat them!" Try going into the Vatican and loudly proclaiming "The Pope is a fraud! There is no God!"
I deeply respect freedom of speech. But there's a time and a place to freely speak. Not all times and all places are appropriate for certain sayings.
So if you're religious, have at it. Proclaim your religiousness. Just not here. Not much, at least. When your dogmatism gets obnoxious, your comments won't be published. Time to find another place to preach.
Your way - I did some wiki irritate
In France we have this obligation
that when insulting someone in the press
anywhere the owner of the medium must give
sufficient place to the guy offended
I think you have sufficiently done that
A technical thing here on the Babani case where is suggested Gurinder to be a thief
The nephew or son wrote that the appartment had increased in value 70 times in say ( was not clear) 20 years
That is the proof that this property was lend out for a symbolic amount
Just do the calculation on your own house
Have a gooed time_space guys & gurls
I would have liked to end with a line from Guru Granth , but you can wipe it
if it's irritating to you
"On seeing my Guru, the plume of my headgear shivers "
Posted by: 777 | August 12, 2013 at 01:42 AM
God bless you! ;-)
Posted by: Skeptic | August 12, 2013 at 06:35 AM
Why bother telling believers and nuts to quit commenting, Brian, when you can quit publishing their comments?
Posted by: cc | August 12, 2013 at 08:59 AM
On seeing my Guru, the plume of my headgear shivers--
FYI He is coming to Malaga on 14.8.13 at 4.00pm.
Posted by: Juan | August 12, 2013 at 11:24 AM
You say:
"The nephew or son wrote that the appartment had increased in value 70 times in say ( was not clear) 20 years
That is the proof that this property was lend out for a symbolic amount
Just do the calculation on your own house"
Calculation on the value of Brian's house is irrelevant here because Brian lives in the United States where the demand-supply equation for housing is just the opposite of that in India.
There isn't any chance of the property having been given at a "symbolic amount". The reason being that during the last 20-25 years, the house prices have indeed literally doubled every four years or even faster in most major cities of India. Bombay or Mumbai, as it is called nowadays, is certainly top ranked among those cities.
I can give you my own example: I bought an apartment in New Delhi in 1991 for INR 105,000 and today, after 22 years, it's market value is well over INR 5,500,000 (52.38 times!!).
So, I don't think there is any "technical" error in the facts presented in the relevant post.
Posted by: Avi | August 12, 2013 at 04:31 PM
Nobody minds you hanging out and commenting at this blog
Speak for yourself, tAo. I find 777's drivel annoying and irrelevant, and I don't see why Brian posts it when he has control over which comments are published and which one's aren't.
Posted by: cc | August 12, 2013 at 07:33 PM
Nothing wrong with hanging around and an occasional irrelevant babble. However, daily babble is rather annoying.
Posted by: Roger | August 13, 2013 at 09:53 AM
why is an alcoholic coming to a place where people don't drink a lot?
Because drunks rant and rave and ramble and ignore each other. Here, their drunken drivel gets published, granting it the attention it can't get from other inebriates.
If the responses of believers must be published, they should be labeled as religious testimony rather than "comments".
Posted by: cc | August 13, 2013 at 11:18 AM
Posted by: Roger | August 14, 2013 at 09:47 AM
Brian--Good for you!!-People,and their religiosity can be a pain in the you-know-what.Since--like you re RS-I'vee "been there" and "done that",so my opinion has some legitimacy--and a learning experience is what it is all about-;^))).......v152
Posted by: Josephine Later | August 14, 2013 at 03:55 PM