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August 05, 2013


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When the field of your inquiry is limited to self-knowledge, to understanding how the brain tries, fails, and succeeds at what it exists to do, you're not distracted by questions you can't even begin to address. At this point in human history, the question of whether we can learn how to live on this planet without creating Hell on Earth burns while quantum physicists fiddle.

What humans are very hyper strong at


Understanding is nothing
and a zero value with God
who Himself doesn't understand a thing

She is to much engaged in LOVE
and has no time for
worthless stuff

Engaged by all those incoming Param Saints
with their pockets full of disciples

I said it before
Even when only ONE Saint comes p/ galaxy





O my dear 777!

You are really hopelessly lost in your fairyland,
already closed for every logical reasoning and argumentation.
Let me say it as it is:
This blog might have been your chance …

Sandra Ji Hihi

50 years 24/7 hopelessly brainwashed
for each second super crash love

I would hopeleszsly repeat such a life many many times more

explaining me how to become unhappy , . . ! and I will shun that as the plague



Since nobody knows the truth (and you don’t - as well as all the others)
I admit - after all it doesn’t matter what you believe,
it’s ok, if it makes you happy and satisfied.

"all I want to do is having some fun"

forgot the song

Love You too


and telling that nothing is wrong
with Sant Mat

Not Yet


777-The song was by Sheryl Crow.

"and telling that nothing is wrong
with Sant Mat

Not Yet


Curious about this... is it because most likely Sant Mat will become another religion without a living Master eventually in the future? Could be why all these RSSB study centres are being built around the world.

"To big to fail" will not apply
but under Gurinder it's just the opposite
and He makes a rock fondation for the future
and the new climate environment

He is closing all centers where ego is creeping in

Sant Mat is so Cool

thanks for Sheryl


Why did 777 continue to post here? In part because the regular contributors suffered him conversation.

I believe 777 really desired to share something he felt was hugely significant. Trouble is -- ya don't bring pork-chops to
a vegetarian picnic and expect to be warmly


I believe 777 used to make more than one comment per day on this blog, on an average, till a couple of days ago. From the huge collection of comments thus made by 777 that are stored on this blog, could you please pick 5 "hugely significant" "something" (takeaways) that 777 wanted to share?

Thanks in advance.

"I believe 777 really desired to share something he felt was hugely significant."

---Notice, the "hugely" word. The relative mind just loves to share something(objectified non-thing) it felt is/was of gigantic significance.

Again, nothing wrong with sharing and feeling something. I do it all the time.

Anything to do with the Radha Soami Faith, in the mind of the devotee, is cosmically significant because devotee's thoughts are amplified via believing they've the privilege of "knowing the truth" about God, Guru, Soul, Mind, Kal, Reincarnation, etc. and most esp. The Teaching regarding what happens after death of the body to the immortal soul....... All that makes sharing experiences, etc., related to the Path seem very important....esp. when offered to the erstwhile...to the disenfranchised.

BTW, I don't like pork chops.

"Anything......in the mind of the devotee, is cosmically significant because devotee's thoughts are amplified via believing they've the privilege of "knowing the truth" about God, Guru, Soul,........"

---I live in Las Vegas, and I strongly believe, I have it better than all you people. I have the privilege of knowing this truth. At this moment, I am off to the Eiffel Tower for lunch and some sight seeing.

It could be that the purpose of our lives
has been to serve as a warning to others.

Unknown Quoter

Mike, reminds me of a quote a friend of mine used to be fond of repeating:

"No one's life is ever completely wasted. He can always serve as a horrible example for others."

777 wrote:
"Under Gurinder it's just the opposite
and He makes a rock foundation for the future
and the new climate environment
He is closing all centers where ego is creeping in"

Well that would be all centres then because ego is alive in all of them.

Most of the followers fail to see just how much control and authority is exercised at the centres. Just try going against a 'request' by a sevadar and you will see the level of authority and ego that is exercised in RSSB.

Just ask yourself why the sevadars carry radios - it's because they will enforce their rules - and will call backup if needed.

I really don't know why they are called sevadars because what they do has nothing to do with seva. It has everything to do with control and power, both of which are rooted in ego.

Exactly which centres have been closed, just for the record?

We are dirt .....
moving around ...

Does dirt have a purpose ?

"He is closing all centers where ego is creeping in."

You mean people whom are becomming awake
by thinking for themselves ?


"......... where ego is creeping in"

---Fascinating, there is a bubble, where no ego is. Out side the bubble, the ego is lurking and wanting to creep in.

Update: Today, I will be eating lunch at HardRock Café, where the ego has already creped in.

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