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July 20, 2013


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I agree with the argument you are making and appreciate the context. However, while your brain was not affected by your youthful level of illicit drug use, some people's brains can be more negatively affected. However, i like where you and Johnson are going with this because it allows for a model of addiction that doesn't demonize some sources more than others. If gambling or the internet or sex or even meditation cult ideas can stimulate the same addictive good feelings chemically in the brain as heroin or cocaine then we can treat all addiction that is negatively affecting a person's life and their families with effective modalities. Of course, as with any addiction, the person has to want treatment, which means he or she recognizes it's become a problem. this isn't likely until the brain's addiction to feeling good has shifted to needing more and more of the chemical to reach the same high, which leads to obsessive seeking behaviour and depression, as well as growing amounts of time spent doing it which interferes with relationships, work, family, other activities and various kinds of self care.

Funny I read this blog about addiction posted today.

The brain gets high on gratifying, rewarding activity, and when it uses drugs to go directly to the reward without performing the activity, it's said to be addicted. Brains that come by their highness honestly through work deplore and despise addicted brains because they cheat, and their cheating is disruptive in a society where most people earn their feelings of well-being and worth.

Cheaters, on the other hand, mock and ridicule workers because they've found the easy way to get high, and as long as they can maintain a supply of their drug, they can feel superior. But eventually, the side-effects of drug dependency take their toll and the addicted brain is forced to undergo the work of rehabilitation or die.

The brain is addicted to the highness it gets from the drugs it produces, but until it realizes it must go through hell to get to heaven, it will cheat by getting its drugs dishonestly.

CC said :

""it realizes it must go through hell to get to heaven, it will cheat by getting its drugs dishonestly""

I know an ex coke addict, recently initiated

On hearing the Anahabad Shabd
she said to me

What a dealer is This , this Master, and What a Quality , . . totally free !

Her Master is called here GDS


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