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July 08, 2013


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I agree. And I think we disrespect the power of the brain and the mind when we attribute the mysteries and magic we experience to God. More and more research demonstrates the power of the mind to heal ourselves and the power of the placebo effect. This incredible power leaves me in a wonderous sense of awe that wouldn't feel if I believed these miricles were caused by some external being.

Brian said ;
But I don't believe in God any more.

After my explanation that it is 100% NOT
possible that you exist
so, you don't exist

you didn't react, . .
others only did some low IQ name calling

I can try to explain with other words ?


777, I think what you mean by "name calling" is that other commenters point out that you never give any reasons or evidence for what you say. Mostly you just repeat Sant Mat dogma, like the devoted religious person that you are.

I'd appreciate it if you'd start commenting on the content of a blog post, and not simply "preaching." That gets tiresome, especially since this blog is aimed at people who are tired of preaching. They've been there and done that.

You must be getting something out of reading these churchless posts, or you'd be spending your time in meditation, or whatever, rather than exposing yourself to non-religious ideas. That's great. The more you open yourself to fresh ways of looking at the world, the better the chance you'll realize what reality is all about.

However, repeated preachy comments show me that you're still locked into old ways of thinking. I understand: it's hard to break out of habitual patterns. That's how the mind works. You believe what you believe, and you can't believe there is any other way of understanding reality.

Believe me, there is. I'd even call it genuine "spirituality." One day, perhaps, you will get a glimpse of it.

Well I am glad that you finally did something about this fellow 777 and his stupid and preachy comments. It's been getting tiresome.

His often rather condescending and dogma-laced comments have been ever so boring and tedious for months now. His comments are also sometimes difficlt to decipher due to his inability to write intelligible standard english composition.

For awhile I've been wondering why no one has objected to his dogmatic preachiness, and his conceit and hubris. I suppose that perhaps folks were simply ignoring 777's comments, like I've been doing for quite sometime.

It's quite obvious that 777's interest and intention is primarily about being an apologist and an in-your-face promoter of Mr Gurinder Singh and his (snicker) supposed holiness and divinity, of his predecessor Charan Singh, and for the RS Beas cult in general.

I find his prechiness and condescension and 'know-it-all' attitude to be rather annoying and even downright disgusting.

There is also another fellow who is perhaps a bit similar to 777, who goes by the name of Juan. This guy is also always promoting "Don Gurinder Singh", Charan Singh, and the RS guru-cult and guru-divinity myth as well.

Why are these people even here? They are not here because they are interested in the articles posted here.

If the readers of this blog were desirous of RS satsang or reading/hearing RS dogma, then they would simply go attend an official RS satsang meeting, or read a a book of RS techings.

But the readers of this blog are NOT interested in having RS dogma preached to them... they are interested in the information, the articles and the meaningful subject matter that Brian, the author of this blog, presents and publishes here.

Its high time for these people to go elsewhere and find some other blog or message board or venue that is more suitable to ply their religious dogma.

I was there at the beginning with opposing 777 but i am finding in life the less i talk the more i do works for me better.,I came to a point in life where i don't fell the need of telling other people how many asanas i do how many push ups i do or ,meditation,or anything elese if i am not asked than i don't talk.I am now thankfull to life for life.

That was a nice and much needed post Brian. Thank you.

There is this wonderful sweet tiny sweet musical tone, tangeble audible,

behind our forehead that all people of compassion can hear !

It is your Soul
Listen and She brings you upstream
to where y'r referring to

It was always there without our attention
but it will become a sweet hurrican
bigger than all galaxies

Then y"ll feel the love


and death is no more ! - a real win win situation

Alsmost no scriptures talk
as you asked : Only private experience

How many languages do you speak dear Tao ?


777's comments are eyesore, if his/hers comments keep on continuing you're going to have 0 traffic to your site.
I know 777 doesn't approve of me because of that turn I made against RS back in December 2012.

Gaz, don't worry. I gave 777 a last gasp comment. If the preachiness continues, his/her comments won't be published. I'll put up a post soon that explains how I feel about religious people preaching in a forum like this.

Regarding the 777 situation:- every Superman needs a Lex Luthor. Every Batman needs a Joker. Every Sunny needs a Cher.

Interesting to observe the behaviour of 777
and other religious (better: brainwashed) people
(I have some of them in my immediate proximity).
They don’t move one millimetre from their way of seeing and thinking.
Is it possible that they really aren’t able to see the obvious?
How can somebody’s mind be blocked like that?
Even though 777 has the very best possibilities here on this blog,
to think over his perceptions
and develop a new view,
but no, it’s as if he is wearing blinders.

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