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July 17, 2013


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Brian says :
"This suggests we are nothing like a television; but much more like, for example, a music box:"

It does hardly matter that a cat can"t read
and cats don't bother

The presence of a Soul matters for
those who hear the Sounds feel the giant Love
like your first crush

SOLOPISM is that you are ON YOUR OWN !!
Absolutely nothing exists than You

but you found the best way to make simulations 'EVER'
and You can't have enough of it ever

And there is complete random
when an individual spark was created
but every spark is processed into love
sooner or later,
in a second or in hundred big bangs

And the harvest for Self
while approaching in an Fibonacci spiral
the center
is immense

One Saint per Galaxy is a lot of incoming love
but thanks to GDSs there is so much more


For the sake of illustration, let us assume that the physical universe (or that reality which comprises what humans perceive as a physical universe) exists as whatever it is, and would exist as whatever it is even if there were no such thing as awareness or consciousness or some form of sentience. This is the inevitable conclusion that is arrived at through the scientific method of inquiry. All the world's a stage, and we humans are merely temporary actors appearing and disappearing on it.

For billions of years (time being measured as the vibrational frequency of a cesium ion) following the rapid expansion of nobody-knows-what, the stage was a-building (for no discernible reason). After ten or eleven billion years, fundamental particles began to form complex arrangements on the stage. Within the last few hundred million years, those particle arrangements achieved startling complexity and thereby engendered sentience - or consciousness. The inescapable conclusion is that consciousness is an emergent property: our existence as conscious beings is entirely dependent upon "Reality". When humans try to assert that "Reality" is entirely dependent upon our consciousness, "Reality" has this annoying tendency to completely disregard such contentions. There is absolutely nothing that human beings can do to alter, influence, or direct the inevitable proceedings of "Reality" (whatever you might conceive it to be).

Here's the thing about all of the marvelous activity that goes on between an individual human beings ears: the enormous bulk of "Reality" did indeed exist before, and will continue to exist after, that activity ceases.

It did not bother any one of us that we did not, at one point, exist. It will not bother us when, at some point, we cease to exist.

An inescapable conclusion is that there is no difference between existence and non-existence. That is NOT some metaphysical conjecture. "Reality" does not give a flying f--k about your opinions. It did not manufacture some goal which you must come to realize, the non-realization of which places you in some sort of jeopardy. Or else what?

Not only will you (dear reader) never realize when you cease to exist - you will never realize that you actually ever existed when you actually do cease to exist. That is because there is no difference between the two states. They are exactly the same.

Realization of which does absolutely nothing for you. If you are enjoying your life, so much the better for you. If your life sucks (like mine does), then that's just too effing bad.

Willie R, nicely said. I like your observation that there is no difference between existence and non-existence. Assume you are speaking from a cosmic perspective. Obviously (?) for us sentient beings there is a difference between existing and not-existing. Right?


The Plane came down in the ocean close to that island nobody had ever Mapped
One survivor, Joe Dimaggio found a shore

HE couldn't be more amazed at the scenes :
Whole villages and a nice social system around

Some Fighting too but in a strange way
because the inhabitants were all blind, descendants of some Crusoe persons with that genetic disease
blind, . . but they managed since 500 years

So, Jo thought it would be quite helpful
to tell them that the trees were green
the sky was blue, a bird was red . . . .

So they killed him



"...for us sentient beings there is a difference between existing and not-existing. Right?"

We can't know what not-existing is, so the difference between it and existing is conceptual, not actual.

Willie R,

You mentioned,

"Realization of which does absolutely nothing for you. If you are enjoying your life, so much the better for you. If your life sucks (like mine does), then that's just too effing bad."

---What, in your opinion, would be an example of a 'non-life sucks' reality?

Roger - I do not understand your question. There is only "Reality" - or what IS - for lack of a better way to put it. No conditions can be excluded from what "Reality" actually is. I cannot conceive of a "non-life sucks" reality. Most people simply assume that any condition other than life sucks - categorically.

Now - if there actually is such a condition as existence, it had to "appear" to some condition that preceded it. That preceding condition is, of course, non-existence.

Living organisms have one objective: survival. Nothing else matters. Trouble is - nothing can survive indefinitely. Life's goal is impossible - it will always fail. So what knows this? "Reality" itself, which is non-existence.

You cannot find consciousness, awareness, or sentience because it doesn't exist (so to speak). It is the non-existence of "Reality" that knows existence cannot endure.

My smart-ass definition of existence would be: an exposition of what "Reality" is not.

Not to worry, though (unless you want to): there are no consequences at all relative to having lived.

Don't want to play with words

Imaging you click your switch_finger and suddenlyinstantly you are aware you are not human
at all but an galactic powerful alien in disguise with body garments draped around your chakra body
on a mission and

thinking :
"What the fuck,
how long must I endure this shit mission"

Can somebody here do that ?


Thanks Willie R,

"If your life sucks (like mine does), then that's just too effing bad."

---Your(willie r) life sucks. However, specific to your life, what would be an example of your life non-sucks? That is, what needs to occur for your life to not suck?

Roger - in order for my life not to suck, it would have to come to an end. I am absolutely certain that it will suck until it comes to an end. I am OK with that.
I do not wish to continue to exist after this body ceases to function. I cannot imagine why anybody would want that.

I am worth a quarter of a million dollars dead, to my children. I just have to find some way to die before age 66 (22 months from now). That is my normal retirement age, when my former employer's group life insurance policy expires for me.

I'm workin' on it.

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