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July 14, 2013


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Brian, Question for you. Can you verify
that Charan had a mistress ? Can you
tell me anything about this ?

Also, I added Osho Robbins videos awhile
back to my website and recently featured
an article you wrote awhile back on my website.

I am also interested in the death of Charan Singh
article you once wrote and am considering posting some of that also.

I very much liked that old article.


That one can create the illusion of separateness is one of the wonders of oneness, but I wonder why one so rarely realizes what one is doing.

You people have all been waiting
for Mike Williams to disclose.....
Is there really heaven Mike ?

I will not make known the greatest
mystery of spirituality.

resiewdub is the great mantra
secret you have all searched for.


Like with any other enterprise, even religions based on lower chakras

one needs Faith

and some Love

Read the Guu Granth or magnificat
or the egyption or tibetan Book of the Death
might help

If not :
Eternity is a long time

We All have All the Time


Is there

Somebody here possessing that Old Dera Movie
on VHS or copied
first colmor movie
with eyecamp in the middle ?

The original ?

Hope so

777 you think this?


Moongoes : Thank You

I had seen this one some week ago
but the one I asked about is a 100% english
and made before this YT one and also more

But I have again regarded to see if I could find what so
many satsangis remember from that first english movie.

but although many scenes are taken from the english first one
It's not copied in this YT_one

During satsang at the Satsang Ghar ( in the YT film 40:12 and seeing a magnitude number of satsangis
there was One Person in that audience who also radiated light in an almazing way
and SO CLEAR on that film

Next the person became a kind of floating including the light aroud him
and it is/was exactly the same as is the inner light
in meditation AND REALLY ON FILM

I think that this scene has been deliberately taken out in this movie
on Gurinders request
because it attracks the wrong seekers . .
and thats the last thing a REAL Satguru needs

I had that movie and while 20 other
VCR tapes from that time , the 70-ties are still in amazing reasonable condition
this one is wiped,

I am curious if copies are wiped all around the globe !

Again : Gurinder is a real professional
on long distance wiping of photos and films
with so many paparazzis and people hating Him around

I guess also that it is the function of this blog
and similar groups on the web :

To hold people off

Makes me think of a remark
Why are there so many false Gurus
Because there are so many false seekers !


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