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July 30, 2013


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We're always looking for something because we know we can't see everything. We miss things, mistake things, and much of what-is we can't perceive. We're fallible and limited.

If we're looking for what we imagine will complete or enlighten us and relieve us of our search, we'll imagine we've found it, or realize we've been leading ourselves on.

"We're always looking for something because we know we can't see everything. We miss things, mistake things, and much of what-is we can't perceive."

---Yes, we are looking for relative truth. Nothing wrong with that. Through science, we can sometimes not miss 'things' and mistake things. On the other hand, all non-things (what is), we can't perceive.

"We're fallible and limited."

---This is good and nice.

" If we're looking for what we imagine will complete or enlighten us and relieve us of our search, we'll imagine we've found it, or realize we've been leading ourselves on."

---I'm looking for a carwash $4 off coupon. For today, this will complete me.

You guys
Big Time and in every phrasing

The few years resting , try to hear the sound
as tiny it might come

Don't try to imaging or visualize a thing
because THAT is ONLY for enhancing your egos
CUT OFF all judging, reasoning

The tiny sound will generate Love, and there has to be nothing else


SatGurus are JUST following Orders
I didn't add that - Only a few can
I can't !


Your search ends when you realize you're chasing your tale of what there is to be found.

Do you think a Saint SatGuru is searching ?

No , He has just a very consistent Crush on his own Master

He might easily be an alphabetical
or a ten times broke or a billionair

God is mocking about the status of a jeeva he 's choosing
for this task : " following orders"
When some people see The Radiance
, . . . He Himself just feels fine and has His own Dharshan Dhyan

When miracles happen around Him, He is the first in wonder . .

I remember when visiting Malaga
some ladies told me that Gurinder
who often was cleaning the floor of the satsang place
also had the task to go for these old ladies
like doing taxi service
and then so often had He the radio much to loud with rock music
and they said then : " Gurinder Please not that loud !!"

Again , anyone can be chosen and the former master is following orders by appointing someone.

God is not interested at all in reasoning , science & theology included and what Wilber ,Cohen, Lane
think of the case of enlightenment

A SatGuru is the humbliest of the humble
and feels Himself the lowest of the lowly
in his plane

This is very easy for God
He just shows the corresponding ego to a Gurl or Guy
and then shows how ugly egos are
compared with the bright Sounds and radiant Light

"a very consistent Crush on his own Master"...

I suppose when in love with someone, consistently feeling that being's presence, handing everything over to that beloved, albeit in a metaphysical sense, then magic does happen around one so love is even one step further than faith as in "faith can move mountains".

Brian, as a follow up to my previous comment.. just thinking out loud... as to the difference between faith and love.

As we know, people who for example go to a faith healer and because of their belief system, their faith will actually heal their physical problems. So in effect this is probably because of the power of their own mind, which can be attributed to the workings of the brain which can then affect their body's illness.

I am interested in what you think about the power of pure love which does not seem to be generated by the mind... its something different and a powerful force... ?

There is no end

Shankara is wrong, . . . Buddha is right

It would be a boring situ if there was an end, so boring

Just me, . . Yes
100% so, even a crush of a 14 year's old shows that

Exponential Fibonacci_like LOVE , which is the only stuff
growing in us, . . by giving it awayby Compassion


Years ago there was a training called EST
run by werner erhard.

It would take a full six hours to make a single point.

The point he was making was this:

The way you have figured it all out;
the conclusions you have made;
the way you think it is;

bears no relationship at all to

the way it really is!

In other words - it would take 6 hours of intense training for
the delegates to 'get it' that they don't get it!

reminds me of :- those who claim to know - they don't know.

The point I am making is this:

There is no YOU - and therefore nothing to figure out.

let me put it another way

"enlightenment is a journey - the destination of which is the
profound realization that there was no journey, no destination,
and nobody to undertake the journey."

Ha - kind of like a bad joke, right?

Let's relate this to the current situation at RSSB.

for period 1900 - 1990 all the followers of RSSB worldwide
were looking for their 'souls' to leave the body and rise to the
first region. There the 'radiant form' of the master was waiting for
the soul and would take it to the second region.
The soul would then go to the third, fourth and fifth region. Finally
merging with the big dude there who goes by the name of Sat Purush.

Further Sach Khand is divided into agam, alakh and anami.

Okay so now fast forward to 2013. GSD has clearly said
"There are no regions - it is just a way of explaining."

Hmmm.... so my father died... trying to get to a fictional 'Sach Khand'

No wonder he failed to get there - the place don't fu*!ing exist.

or more to the point - WHERE did all the regions go?
or were they a lie in the first place - or did the teachings change?

or perhaps - the maha parle (grand destruction) happened.

excuse my colourful language.

So all these 'preachers' were preaching a fictional load of bollocks
until GSD told them there are no regions.

so they were just towing the party line, right?

but this goes against the very teachings of sant mat.

"speak only what you have seen with your own eyes."

remember the story of vivekananda - asking sri Ramakrishna if he has
seen with his own eyes and he says yes - and I can make you too see.

All the others vivekananda approached were just 'teaching theory'
as are the current preachers at RSSB.

Then - can anyone explain how RSSB is not another religion of the
blind following the blind.

those who preach are all liars - they are lying to the sangat by pretending
they speak from experience - when in fact they are just 'part line towers'

if that is the case - then make it 100% clear. every speaker should make a
clear statement before satsang that "I am merely speaking from the books and have
no first hand knowledge of all this - so take it with a pinch of salt."

and I think they should supply the salt too.

and RSSB is not called - science of the soul.

give me a break!

there is not science anywhere near RSSB.

it is all delusion and more delusion.

a bunch of deluded idiots bossing about those who want to become part of the
elite group of mega deluded idiots.

sorry if my language offends anyone - but I am just calling a spade a spade.

And I challenge anyone to refute any of the statements I have made.

Most of the so-called sevadars (with some exceptions) are on a collossal
ego-trip and don't even know it.

A path to enlightenment? show me one enlightenment person.

surely after all these decades there must be ONE enlightened person if RSSB
claims to be a valid pathway to enlightenment

check out the video I posted years ago
about the change of teachings

You know, I have spent the last
year and a half in nature. Watching
rabbits, coyotes, birds, grasshoppers,
hawks, gophers.

They are always on edge. Always looking
around. For they all know at any minute
they may be eaten.

There is no peace in this world. God
is not love. He is a killer angel.

"This world is a giant slaughterhouse."
Charles Darwin


Everything that you observe(d)
is of your OWN making

There is no other than Mike . . .

You are a sound pulsing in this you
but you cannot know

let's say : It is
so difficult without The 5 excalibur words ( not those you typed down )

but the real ones given by a Holy, whole person

but what you can understand is that ther s no
better place to practice compassion
than here

That eventual Compassion is Love if no agenda is there

That compassion is clearly visible for a Saint after which He tries to serve you


Andrew Cohen - a spiritual teacher for 27 years - admits that his ego is still alive and well.


now he is apologising to his students.

could that ever happen in RSSB?

perhaps Gurinder singh will apologise to his sangat and admit he has become all about money. anyone can see he has. closed the charity parts of RSSB by saying spirituality is not charity.

fair enough - but then - he announces that organ donation is a good thing to do. why is it so good for the sangat to donate their organs? what has that got to do with spirituality.

Gurinder singh dhillon - the current head of RSSB is a businessman. He is not a spiritual guru at all. He has transformed RSSB into a profit centre. The UK arm makes £1 Million a year in profit (over £2Million in gross income)

RSSB buys property and renovates it for free labour (called Seva).

Clever business strategy. get a bunch of deluded people to work for you for FREE! Let them think they are getting some spiritual benefit.

They have closed all the small centres. Ask yourself why. it is because they want to serve and help more people? No - they basically are telling the older generation: we don't care if you can't get to satsang anymore - we don't need you.

I can tell you from experience that the older generation find it hard to get to satsang and are not given any help with transportation. what does this mean? It means RSSB doesn't give a shit about the poor and old people.

" and nobody to undertake the journey."
Ha - kind of like a bad joke, right? "

Your father didn't use the words in vain !

And the regions are no lie

You read the Bardo Todol
and compare all thes Boddhisatvas the Soul will see
to the regions

and there is a general structure
like the hierachy in nature
for a Saint , there are no regions at all

Yes I'm experiencing and many mostly analphabhetic satsangis do
and because of that
and you cannot speak about it

I am so glad that
this miracle ( google hines+vivaldi)
happened also
because everybody can go to the Nice Matin
publisher and ask a copy
but even that Mike, You didn't do

A real non-hypocritical striver for truth would have done this

but in this group nobody did or even reacted

And concerning the radiant form,
first the 'form' HIM/HER-self
has no Idea
that those things happen ( Reason for the Faqir & Lane to draw the wrong conclusions
THE SOURCE APPOINTED them and they are sitting in obedience.
But the giant rivers of cristal diamond light flow from there forehead
and all stuff around touched in their way
changes in Transparent fluid Gold
and the observer s mind stops with thinking
as in the best meditation possible

And it is completely impossible to describe what the LOVE in that represents
Perhaps the best crush one ever had
to the power of million

Everything is relative
including Agam Anami and Radha Soami

Solopism IS WHAT IT IS - Your Dharma

And you know why people on any sincere spiritual path have confidence?

They have a kind of preview/pilot
of what will come ( with an exemption for some who don't wish / allow that . . )
and the many coincidences which will show up regularly
in their lives ( synchronizations )
like :

My wife saying to me : "What a lovely Master we have" ( She sees Charan 24/7 )
and immediately hearing a little plane above the house - me , going outside -
and then seeing it was an advertising tail banner
with the text :
"I LOVE YOU TOO " - the LOVE showed as a red heart

Completely outside the beach season here : January
apparently a guy trying to express his feelings, ordering this expensive ride
this is what I call synchronizations

Cheers Bye All


Mike:- And yet we seek comfort and calmness in a world that seems like a constant struggle with the forces around us be it people and the politics they create; or the forces within us such a doubt, depression e.t.c. I suppose somebody would argue that as humans we evolved socially to not always be on edge. We experience bliss in our ignorance but I think you are right...Peace is a fantasy.
Maybe the Joker was right when he said to Batman "Don't get even with the world; become insane".

I remember when visiting Malaga some ladies told me that Gurinder
who often was cleaning the floor of the satsang place also had the task to go for these old ladies like doing taxi service and then so often had He the radio much to loud with rock music and they said then : " Gurinder Please not that loud !!"

…These saints are very kind and soft hearted, they are in love with the humankind,the only difference now is that Babaji Don Gurinder is now cleaning the floor of Sachkand and the taxi service which was previously to the Satsang hall is now directly to Sachkhand, and inspite of loud rock music, one can now enjoy the light music of Jyotniranjan…Onkar.

I put the links to your You Tube videos
on my website and also a recent Brian


True, satsang leaders have no experience.

My computer is messing up, keyboar-d going

Exp^lanation on 9th gate remark:

" The world is cruel but what is overall profond reason"

Cruelty and war comes from the many slaughterhouses and I do not have to explain that here in this group, mostly vegetarians

but what the owner & cie don't see
is why people go so far

answer :
it is the mentality most of us have, at least at the start of the Path
We can diminish or increase it like :
I know Mandela, . . I helped the King
I fucked Madonna

Voila , instead of helping the poor Guy who got that awesome task just with one signature, we place :




Hi Wakeupdude

They have closed all the small centres. Ask yourself why. it is because they want to serve and help more people? No - they basically are telling the older generation: we don't care if you can't get to satsang anymore - we don't need you.

I can tell you from experience that the older generation find it hard to get to satsang and are not given any help with transportation. what does this mean? It means RSSB doesn't give a shit about the poor and old people

Yes that is correct, the local centre in my area was shut down in 2006, and a host of others were also shut down. The only option now is to get the bus, elderly people cannot sit on the bus for too long or cannot afford it.
Satsangis have sent numerous letters to GSD regarding this but nothing has been done. Also if you're over 70-75 you're not allowed to do seva at HP. They only want young people.
I thank God i'm out of this horrible group.

Hey Osho,
I showed my parents your videos, and they recognised you, you came to the local centre that was in my area (shut down in 2006) about 12 years ago, afterwards you came to my house. They were surprised, they said that you did brilliant satsangs.

You said the speakers don't know what they're talking about, that's correct, they're hypocrites, they preach past life karma etc. But there is no proof of past life karmas, its all BS. They preach one thing in the satsangs and do the opposite at home.

Hi Gaz,
were you ever initiated?

I used to be a national speaker for RSSB.
I was appointed by Mrs Wood, but then the politics of RSSB took over. I did a satsang at Derby and I translated from punjabi as I like to quote the source of statements I make. The sangat enjoys this as it benefits the indian speaking sangat only.

However, the 'powers that be' decided it was not a good practice and decided to use this to remove me from the satsang seva. RSSB is full of politics. If you're 'in' with the people at the top - you get special treatment. If not - they want you out.

A few decades ago, in the days when Gurchetan singh was the secretary of the UK sangat (charan singh's time) - Maharaj Charah Singh give a talk in london for the english speaking sangat only. Gurcehtan singh has given special passes to his family and close friends. My father just turned up and the sevadars asked for his pass. He said he did not need one. Gurchetan came to the scene and said he needed a pass. My father said "Let's go speak to Maharaj Ji and ask him if I need a pass!"
Gurchetan singh let him him as she knew this would not go down well with the master.

since that time my father has been outside of the 'in-crowd'

So when his son (me) becomes a speaker and the sangat like it - the 'in-crowd' have to protect their power. They cannot have an outside taking over. It's about power.

I gave a satsang in Birmingham. After the satsang, 50% of the sangat came to the front to talk to me. They all wanted to know when my next satsang was - because they felt inspired by it. It was not like the ordinary
satsangs they usually heard.

The convenor told them it was not booked yet and then told me she would not be booking me again. She then reported me to Narinder and he asked the derby secretary to record my next satsang and send it to him.
Then he wrote me a long letter stating that I should not quote in punjabi when delivering an engligh satsang.

The bottom line was to get me removed because I was causing waves and I was not part of their 'in-crowd'.

This kind of behaviour clearly shows that RSSB has lost the plot and is no longer about real spirituality.

Just for laughs I later applied to the Bham centre to do satsangs in punjabi. I was passed immediately by the 'trainer' but the secretary spoke to narinder who told him not to aloow me to speak because it had taken him great effort to remove me.

If you want to email me - my email address is [email protected]

my facebook is https://www.facebook.com/osho.robbinsnew


Wow i used to have lots of respect for Gurchetan Singh, don't get me started on Narinder, he kicked me out of RSSB with his email to me. Although I think i was a victim of the law of cause and effect.

IMO, they're all bunch of hypocrites, Osho you know your stuff man, I remember my parents used to love your satsangs, one of the quotes they heard you say in satsangs was 'connect with the truth'.

I'll send you an email my friend so we can discuss RS further.

In reply to your question, I'm only 21, I was planning on getting initiated but my later experiences with RS put me off.


He walked friendly through the assemble
little crowd
en suddenly changed course and came STRAIGHT TO ME en walked further
without even 'noticing' me
Consequently I was SO angry !
I spoiled half the first meeting.

Now I think THAT is the best thing which ever happened in my life.

I guess you both Gaz and osho
see what I mean

I trained three years for an olympics
but failed at the last moment
THEN already Huzur took care for not
letting explode my ego

Here in France; among kids you hear from all sides :
"Mamam regarde"

Your stories show fantastically HOW PERFECT SANT MAT FUNCTIONS under Gurinder


I OBSERVED THAT Long Time SATSANGIS ot those who were initiated before , DON'T LIKE WINNING
they play false to let another win


If you see that , . . things will change for the 3 of you


What GSD is doing is incongruent.

On the one hand he tells disciples to respect their elders and their parents.

On the other hand he himself is showing by his actions that he doesn't care about the older generation. When he closed the smaller centres, why did he not add a FREE BUS SERVICE to help all those who cannot make it to the centre. That is - if he really cared about the poor and older people.

Unless of course, the reasoning is that if they can't afford to pay for the bus fare to get to satsang - they are not likely to make any donations.

RSSB makes over a Million pounds in profit each year just in the UK. They have accumutaed over £18 Million in profits.


Surely if that money it FOR the sangat - it would be no big deal to lay on free buses for those who need to get to a satsang centre. After all is the purpose not to
SERVE the sangat?

Perhaps the purpose is to MAKE MONEY by opening more centres, acquiring more property and getting the sangat to work on each property to make it more valuable.

Just like the church of england - RSSB is becoming RICH! forget about spirituality and enlightenment - it's about MONEY.

GSD is a businessman - his sons are on the rich list. He is not a spiritual master - he is a businessman and he runs RSSB like a business.

He asks the sangat to donate their organs because he is a businessman. He uses those organs and makes money from them. How? because his son runs a medical centre where those organs are gives to those who need them. This is a business - they are charged - it is not a charity.

So now you know why GSD encourages the sangat to donate organs - he makes money from it. Can you trust such a master? Who tells you to donate your organs so he can profit from it?

You think this is a spiritual master at work? Charan Singh never mixed business with spirituality for this very reason.

Now let's look at meditation:

Swami Ji did 17 years of intense meditation.
Jaimal singh did 13 years
Sawan singh did 11 years
How much did GSD do?

The answer? none. He didn't have time when he was younger (besides he was hardly a model satsangi). Now he has no time anyway because he is too busy making money.

oh the spiritual power gets passed down? Like an inheritance?
The granth sahib clearly states that spirituality cannot be passed down - it has to be earned. All the masters say this clearly.

furthermore GSD does not even treat the people who served charan Singh very well. A case in point is Babani Ji - He died a broken man. Just read the relevant discussions in this blog.

GSD did 10 to 12 hours of meditation a day and no he does not get money from organs.

about this statement from Wakeupdude:

Perhaps the purpose is to MAKE MONEY by opening more centres, acquiring more property and getting the sangat to work on each property to make it more valuable.

Ummmm....maybe not so much. At least not in Petaluma. Four tiny-ish houses, all save one strangely positioned. One big, new, but kinda ugly house plunked in the middle of a field. A big barn of a meeting hall, bunch of metal barns, big toilet rooms. If I were a investor, I would not purchase it because I could not hope to imagine what it might be used for...except maybe to raise chickens. (Except for the huge bathrooms, guess you could sell off the toilets and sinks.)

One of the things we have learnt from psychology is that people have certain patterns, certain habits and 'ways of thinking' which are pretty much ingrained and don't change.
So GSD is a businessman - that's his expertise, and he has applied the same thinking and is running RSSB as a businessman would.

The purpose of any businessman is to increase the value of the business and to increase the revenue.
How? by eliminating the unnecessary expenses and by increasing the turnover and income.

He has done precisely this and it would be out-of-character if he (his sons to be accurate if you want to split hairs) did not benefit financially from the organ donation programme he pushes.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in being a businessman - but trying to mix spirituality with it can be tricky.

Maharaj Charan Singh simply made sure he never mixed the two. GSD has mixed them up and there will probably be business dealings between religare and RSSB.

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