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July 02, 2013


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A brain that knows more than it needs to know needs a reason for knowing too much. Thus, religion. The quest for knowledge leads one out of the comfort zone into uncharted territory where comfort is taken in the form of fake knowledge.

I so fervently wish that there were a way to profit (financially) from describing my experiences of the Reality that we all inevitably share. The trouble with that, it seems, is that everyone else's (is that a word?) experience of Reality is every bit as valid or invalid as my own.

If you see Eben, tell him I said Hi.

"...everyone else's (is that a word?) experience of Reality is every bit as valid or invalid as my own."

A self-cancelling statement.

Too bad we have so many con men who prey on the fears of others. It is though and always has been-- and can be profitable as well as gain power.

"Too bad we have so many con men who prey on the fears of others."

Too bad we have so many people willing and eager to be conned.

Too bad we have con men:

The ones claiming a promised land.
And the ones closing the door to heaven in men's faces claiming there is no promised land.

The most difficult thing about being a con man is dealing with customers who want both The Promised Land and The Door To Heaven. When told they can't have both, they get grumpy.

"Too bad we have so many people willing and eager to be conned."

--cc, I like your contrarian thinking. When entering the presence of a big talker one should check their desperation at the door.

and I agree with Spence Tepper who wrote:

"Too bad we have con men:

The ones claiming a promised land.
And the ones closing the door to heaven in men's faces claiming there is no promised land."

-- In my view it's neither one nor the other. You won't find many preaching that. No money in it and nobody to understand it.

Not until the author approves them.. Wow.
Which author are we talking about?
I believe Dr. Alexander. We know in our guts who is speaking the truth.
To all of the non believers...
It has been in our DNA to worship since we have existed. If there was nothing, our need to believe and/or worship would have been bred out of us long ago. And that proves evolution and the eternity of our souls. Duh!

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