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July 28, 2013


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There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past. George Carlin

brad warner in similar post about mindfulness:

Yes and No

Each sense of 'present' is a whole 6 seconds
after a scanner sees what your next thought / decision will be

Therfore it's so special to try to hear the reverberating Sound
which is Your Soul

It takes you THROUGH these time barriers


Aren't we always living in the present?

Yes, but the mind can't know or have any notion of what the present is until it processes sense data into meaningful information, so what we know is always in terms of the past. But new agers can't accept this inescapable fact, so they pretend they can be knowingly present.

Everything the mind does is a conditioned response, even when it draws a blank, so it's meaningless to speak of the present as if it is immediately knowable. All you can hope for is that your conditioning won't let you down.

All you can hope for is that your conditioning won't let you down.

That's passive

Anahabad Shabd is better , so much better ...
It jumps the space/time barriers 6 times
with great ease

specially when realizing how short the lifespan of
this human species will be . . .

I mean : there might not be many human births available
in the near future




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