There's really nothing to say about this awesome (or ass-some) miracle: an obvious image of Jesus appearing in, or as, a dog's butthole.
A picture is worth more than any amount of words I could utter in praise of Almighty Dog. (click to enlargenfy)
This explains why dogs spend so much time with their noses up each other's asses. They're looking for Jesus!
"(click to enlargenfy)"
----now that's really kinky.........
Posted by: Roger | June 21, 2013 at 10:06 AM
If the photo remains enlarged after four hours, consult an Internet physician.
Posted by: Brian Hines | June 21, 2013 at 10:31 AM
LOL.......true, i would need help, if i need to enlarge a jesus anal....
Posted by: Roger | June 21, 2013 at 11:20 AM
You know I have spent a lot of time
researching Jesus just recently.
Scholars are literally obliterating
the Christian Faith with the new Gosphels
that have been unearthed.
There were originally 30 gosphels.
The Council only printed 4 in the Bible about the 4th century A.D.
It turns out John the Baptist was the Christ as the Crusaders found out.
Jesus killed a child for insulting him
and was chased on the roof of a house
by an angry mob for doing so.
The 3rd day asension turns out to be
the 3rd day of the Equinox. Jesus was never
crusified and Mary (16 years old) mother
never existed.
Mary Magdelana had her own gosphel and was
Jesus mistress, if not his wife. She was one
of the 12 apostels and his closet compannion.
Posted by: Mike Williams | June 21, 2013 at 04:08 PM
Mike: Hope you are well kind sir. That's quite the revelation....speaking of which; what are your thoughts on the number 666 and its' esoteric meaning or origin? Another fear tactic perhaps?
Posted by: the9thGate | June 21, 2013 at 05:35 PM
Hi 9th Gate,
Well, if your wondering if Satan will
return, as mentioned in the Book of Revelations,
or a beast very similar,
I would say Satan already walks amoungst us.
Carl Jung's collective unconscious with
all its archetypes and its effects on
man, show he is possessed by something.
Satan lives in many people.
Posted by: Mike Williams | June 21, 2013 at 10:06 PM
it would be VERY interesting to read more about this "new" story about John the Baptist, Jesus and Maria Magdalena. Could you perhaps feed us with more of this matter?
Jesus killed a child?
By the way -
The fact that so called "masters" are torturing children doesn't hinder people from worshipping them still as GIHF.
Religious mania blindfolds.
Posted by: Sandra | June 21, 2013 at 10:18 PM
This is a lot of desperate gossip even accusiong the Dinos
The book of revelations
was writting by a kind of Brian
Jooannes the Araeopagite
around 300 after Jesus
Posted by: 777 | June 22, 2013 at 03:47 AM
Hi Sandra,
Yes, Mary Magdelana was Jesus closest
disciple according to ancient gosphels
unearthed in the last 100 years. One has
Jesus kissing her. The were 30 gosphels
including Judas. The Catholic Church
deleted 26 gosphels from the bible
around 350 A.D.
One gosphel has Jesus in his youth killing
a young boy for insulting him. An angry mob
chases Jesus onto a roof top. Jesus
floats down to the ground and brings the kid back to life.
The Baptism sanctuary of John the Baptist has been found.
He was Jesus guru and the
gosphels consider none higher than John.
Judas turns out to be a good guy, whom only
did what Jesus asked him to do.
Jesus brothers and family took over guruship
at Jesus death and lasted for about 300
years at their estate.
Posted by: Mike Williams | June 22, 2013 at 06:44 PM
Any SatGuru will consider nobody greater than hos own SatGuru
and also consider himself lower than his lowest disciple
It's a beautiful 'fire-wall'
The pundits and todays 'knowing it'
the hypocrites
they are all automatically excluded
Specially the these days advaita slogans
knowledge, for instance
There is nothing to know,
Knowledge does Brahma / Yaweh & ParBrahm / Jehovih
God doesn't know a thing !
She is only interested in incoming, inflowing love
from the kind of SatGurus and some disciples in their pockets, hich-hiking
Posted by: 777 | June 23, 2013 at 05:59 AM
thank you for answering. Concerning this matter (Jesus, John, Judas, Magdalena) I'll try to find out some more reading material.
However one can never be sure if the sources found via internet are authentic. The internet is full of falsifications and fairy tales (and not only the internet!)
Which source did you consult? Can you give me some reference?
Posted by: Sandra | June 23, 2013 at 11:14 PM
Jesus, is that really you?
Posted by: Guest | February 04, 2021 at 03:10 PM