Being an admirer of the American comedian Louis C.K., naturally I was attracted to the title of a Yoga Brains post I came across: "The Yoga of Louis C.K."
It's worth a read. Excerpt:
With that in mind, the below clip, which ended comedian Louis C.K.’s HBO special ‘Oh My God,’ while hilariously funny (and worth watching on those merits alone), points to the deep rift we humans suffer on a daily basis: the distance between what we think and how we, at least sometimes, act. Or, at the very least, the conflicting chorus of voices that consistently ring out in our heads, oftentimes at the most inopportune moments—what he refers to as ‘Of Course’ and ‘But Maybe.’
Kudos to Louis C.K. for being able to get laughs by talking about children dying from nut allergies. Humor is marvelous.
We're reminded that, sure, life can be really tough and serious. Nothing to joke about. Of course.
But maybe... everything is a joke. On some level.
Of course... that probably is wrong. But maybe... And so we go.
Here's the video clip.
Brian, that was a great show; a little slow to develop initially, but he delivered in a big way. I think the ending you describe will become his signature. It wouldn't surprise me if he makes it a staple of all his shows or he creates an album (CD/Book) of them--many albums at that. I also liked that his first attribution was to George Carlin, whom many of us like-minded faithless consider a sort of patron saint of humor and even contemporary philosophy.
Posted by: Lango6 | May 04, 2013 at 06:56 AM
Speaking of children, have you seen this? For someone who is interested in both spirituality and real world objective experience, these stories, read all together, can make you think.
Posted by: Skeptic | May 05, 2013 at 08:54 AM
Oops I forgot the link
Posted by: Skeptic | May 05, 2013 at 11:54 AM