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February 08, 2013


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Humility is one of the most beautiful words I know. Especially when it is the result of sensing the marvelous presence of the borderless vastness of the unsearchable and endless mystery of life. Mystery's size causes our thoughts to be so small and put in their rightful place. Just the bare feeling in our bones of its immeasurable breadth levels our haughty and arrogant thoughts to the ground of humility.

If humility is anything, it's realizing how mistaken one can be for a lifetime by not realizing how dead one will be eventually.

"Mystery's size causes our thoughts to be so small and put in their rightful place."

---Not sure Mystery can do that. But the message was kinda nice. What exactly is a bare feeling in one's bones? Especially, the immeasureable kind......

Good comment and question. Not sure if I can pinpoint an answer with clarity but I will give it a shot.

In regards to "Mystery's size causes our thoughts to be small and put in their rightful place", I am using words for symbols to point at something, as Mystery isn't really contained in a size. It is without limitations and dimensions and cannot be understood within the realm of thought. Lao Tzu said, The Tao can't be perceived. Smaller than an electron, it contains uncountable galaxies. In the light of this understanding about Tao or Mystery, thoughts become sized down (humbled) in the proper relationship of the big picture. They are inadequate. If there was a God I imagine he would be laughing in hysterics at our attempts to describe absolute reality.

In regards to "bare feelings on one's bones", again, I am trying to convey something utilizing words and didn't mean for this to be taken in the literal sense. There are times in my life where there is a deep sense within of living in the presence of something immeasurable. It is inexplicably breathtaking. Where do I exactly have this sensory feeling? I don't know so I used the words, "bare feelings on one's bones". They seem as good as any.


Good message again. Yes, we should embrace Mystery. This is the nonduality or nonconceptuality. Many other words can be used, and yes, all words can do is point towards the non-pointable. Yes, the mystery of nonduality isn't really contained in a size. It is without limitations and dimensions and cannot be understood within the realm of thought. The realm of thought is found within mind and ego. Nothing wrong with such, however it is what duality is.

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