I just watched a terrific eleven minute You Tube video, "The Burden of Proof," that should be required viewing for everyone who believes in God, miracles, psychic powers, or anything else in the supernatural realm.
Also for those who challenge them. I highly recommend the video.
This is the sort of clear thinking that cuts through religious bullshit like a razor sharp blade. It's no different from the prove it! and demonstrable evidence, please! pleas that I regularly utter to true believing commenters on this blog.
The video just does a great job of demolishing the ridiculous notion that it isn't up to someone who makes a claim to prove it, but rather the responsibility of someone who is skeptical of the claim to disprove it.
Wrong. Lack of belief is not a belief. Not believing in God isn't a claim that needs defending. Those who claim that God exists are the ones who need to step up and put forward their evidence.
Have a watch. Thanks to the Secular Buddhist Association for having a link to the video on its home page, where I noticed it while browsing around.
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