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October 05, 2012


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"I get huge enjoyment from doing things I used to think were insignificant. Like reading the newest issue of People magazine in a hot bath while sipping a glass of red wine."

Elaborate on this and AARP magazine will publish it...with photos!

cc, I'm insulted. Why didn't you say "newest issue of Playgirl magazine"?

Hey, i'm in great shape for a 64 year old. Actually, for most 24 year olds, given my observations of how fit lots of young people are.

But is there still a Playgirl magazine? That could be the flaw in this plan. The AARP magazine can be a backup.

Tell me about it Bryan, relaxing in a hot bath feels great, I don't agree with the red wine part though lol.

Playgirl magazine...that's the one that featured naked men in a Playboy format, supposedly a reaction by women demanding equality? I don't know if it's still around, but my understanding at the time was that it was more popular with gay men than with equality demanding women.

Don't worry. The AARP spread will be great.

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