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August 03, 2012


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Each and every one of us, past, present, future, churchy, churchless, axe murderer, recluse, gold medal winner, born loser, whatever - is exactly, precisely equivalent to "Reality", which transcends the categories of existence and non-existence, both states themselves being subsumed under the "Reality" heading.

Some of us don't like it. Some of us cannot get enough of it. And no one can do anything about it.

One of my favorite article series of the past few years is Errol Morris' great "The Anosogosic's Dilemma", exploring how we can know and even if we can know some things. Great read.


"Some of us don't like it. Some of us cannot get enough of it. And no one can do anything about it."

...and it's because I can't "do anything about it" that I do things for their own sake.

Decaffnm, thanks for the link. I enjoyed that piece. Yes, if we could know what we don't know, we'd be able to take steps to become less ignorant.

But not knowing what we don't know (a large part of the human condition) leaves us unduly confident about our illusory knowingness.

"not knowing what we don't know (a large part of the human condition) leaves us unduly confident about our illusory knowingness."

I know what I don't know when I have unanswered questions, uninitiated inquiries, or anything I I know of which I haven't examined or explored thoroughly.

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