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July 24, 2012


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Maybe the answer to "Why is there something rather than nothing?" lies in the answer to "How is there something rather than nothing?"

There is only something if there is someone to know it. "I" appear only when I objectify what is functioning and call it "me", but this is an illusory process because how could "I" know "I"? There would have to be an infinite series of "I's" knowing the previous "I".

So, if there is no "I" there is no "other" and since there is no "other" there is not anything because a thing can only exist if there is an "I" to objectify it. In Reality there is absolutely nothing...illusorily perceived to be something.

"So, if there is no "I" there is no "other" and since there is no "other" there is not anything because a thing can only exist if there is an "I" to objectify it. In Reality there is absolutely nothing...illusorily perceived to be something."

The "I" is memory and the way it appears to be one thing or another, creating the illusion of somebody doing something.

tucson, your comment reminded me of a quote on the cover of Holt's book from Christopher HItchens:

"What makes you so sure that there's anything?"

I find the book “The Origin of the Universe – Case Closed” to be compelling. It has math in the Appendix to back up its claims. It is hard to argue with math! It’s easy to understand with many pictures.

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