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May 17, 2012


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What I learned is to go to Hawaii in January.

Looks magical! I am envious!

yep thats a pretty good read - but is there not something to be said for dynamism, of trying hellbent to accomplish or force something, alot of the times it may not work, but the sheer effort often means you get alot closer to your goal than waiting for it to happen.

Dear Brian,

It is too bad that you have to endure the horrible hell of Hawaiian Airlines in order to grasp/feel "what life is all about."

Robert Paul Howard

George, I do engage in some "sheer effort" while in Maui. Well, not overwhelming sheer effort, but disciplined effort at least.

Every day I swim across Napili Bay, back and forth. Meaning, two full trips across the bay. I use a championship sidestroke/modified backstroke technique, as documented in this blog post:

My basic rule, which varies only with very high waves, is to follow my swimming pattern no matter what. So if the water is choppy, or wavy, or windy, I still swim two times across the bay. It just takes me longer. And/or it is more tiring.

I enjoy doing this almost as much as I enjoy the much more free-form boogie boarding. It's the disciplined side to my more relaxed side of enjoying the warm Maui ocean.

Robert, thanks for your sympathy. As noted on my other blog, it sucks that Hawaiian Airlines no longer has a non-stop flight between Portland and Maui. Lots of people are upset, including my wife and me.

The "aloha spirit" on Hawaiian is great. And it just seems wrong to fly Alaska Airlines to Hawaii. But almost certainly that's what we'll be doing from now on, unless Hawaiian wakes up and smells the disappearing Portland area customers.

But the question is whether living life should necessarily be equated with waiting for shit to happen.

Shit might happen or it might not, sometimes we can do something about shit, sometimes not - but surely it is worth trying to control some of the shit, or at least avoid waiting for the shit to fall on your head wherever possible?

I've lived in Hawai'i for over fifty years and I know what rapture it is for visitors because I've visited the cold, ugly hell-holes they come from. Problem is, though, a lot of visitors relocate here and turn Hawai'i into a warm version of what they've moved away from. Laihaina, for instance, was a sleepy little plantation town before the visitor industry turned it into a place I avoid as avidly as Kailua-Kona, a place I once dearly loved.

cc, us Oregon tourists love Lahaina. But we're not Hawaii residents, like you are. I can see how the tourist'y side of Hawaii would drive locals crazy at times.

We just like the energy, shops, restaurants, people-watching, ocean views, and such in Lahaina. It's a big reason why we keep going back to Maui.

The last time I was on Maui was in 1981. I thought it was a zoo then (crowded, teeming with tourists, developed). There were far more surfers in the water at Honolua Bay than there were waves. However, McKenna (sp.?) beach was beautiful despite the thorn bushes planted by missionaries to discourage the natives from going barefoot..a thoroughly unholy behavior in the eyes of God, I guess. I can only imagine what it is like on Maui 30 years later. Still, the water is warm and blue and the vistas of neighboring islands remain.

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