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April 23, 2012


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A very sweet post.

You know what's amazing about all of this? That your memories of the moment Curt Siodmak gave you the book are part of the only one book no one can take away from you, your life book.
For me, life books are those that we sometimes don't take a look into and commonly end up being the most interesting ones.

Man I liked this post so much. Really, thanks for sharing again.

Hi Brian,

I'm curious: what was the shipping cost for these 3 boxes? Thanks.

I shipped the three boxes to two addresses in the United States, by Media Mail, so the cost was quite reasonable: $41.77 for all three boxes. Delivery should only take a week, according to the USPS web site. Conservatives keep talking about privatizing post office services, but no private firm could offer the low cost universal mail delivery the USPS does.

Blogger Brian stated: "Conservatives keep talking about privatizing post office services, but no private firm could offer the low cost universal mail delivery the USPS does."

--Don't forget the post office is basically broke.

This is the difference between the way people see things in this coming election.

One group wants lots of stuff from the government even though it is insolvent and wastes vast amounts of money and can't even pay the interest on its debts without borrowing money from itself via the Federal Reserve Bank by printing fiat currency and various debt instruments in order to "sweep under the rug" the actual problem...we're broke!

The other group wants to shrink government because it is unsustainable in its current form... not because they want to be mean to people by cutting govt. services. They just want government to function like a business where inefficiency and waste is discarded rather than perpetuated like an incompetent tenured professor.

Pretty moving stuff, well written.

Yip material stuff means nothing, but I think that one book in particular must have been very hard to give away for many reasons.

George, I kept "The Song Celestial" given to me by Curt Siodmak, My mother wrote her name in it, so for that reason alone I won't ever let the book go. Plus, I enjoy the memory of how I got it.

Back in the 1980s David Lane sent me a free copy of his newly released book on Eckankar. However, it did not arrive. I wrote to him about this, and he kindly sent another free copy..and this time, I got it. Ofcourse, it was an excellent investigative study.

Also, for some reason, or other David Lane sent me a copy of his scholarly paper entitled The Himalayan Connection for free. It was stuck together by sellotape ( with an impression of "his" fingerprint on it) as it seemed to have been "torn" from the Journal itself! A copy of it can be found on the internet. See below...


I should have added that David Lane probably has no memory of his above kindness, and I should also like to thank him again!

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