Wow, I've just wasted ten minutes of my life watching this ridiculousness.
It's called Man dies, comes back to life, what he saw. Watch it at your peril. Somehow 2,931,978 people have, likely being sucked into doing so by a "check out this youtube video of a man who had what seems to be an NDE" like I got.
No, he didn't have a near-death-experience. I didn't hear any mention of that. The guy suffered horrible injuries in a plane accident. He's lying in a hospital bed, probably drugged out of his mind, after going through a hugely traumatic event.
So he dreams about going to heaven, seeing the light, avoiding a massive darkness that he takes to be hell. What's the big deal? I've had some pretty amazing dreams myself. I don't claim that as a result I'm best buddies with God.
He doesn't bring back any profound insights into the nature of the universe. He doesn't even see God. He just has a feeling that this is how reality really is, and that how he looked upon life before was mistaken.
Dude, that's exactly how lots of people feel after they take LSD or some other psychedelic. Feeling so doesn't make it so.
"He doesn't even see God"
Yeah, what a jerk! Hell, I've seen God so many times I told him to get lost.
Posted by: cc | January 05, 2012 at 04:11 PM
Not convincing enough? Better try this one:
Posted by: tAo | January 05, 2012 at 09:53 PM
That's going on in detox centers all over the world
Posted by: Dogribb | January 06, 2012 at 07:56 AM
"He just has a feeling that this is how reality really is, and that how he looked upon life before was mistaken."
This amounts to enlightenment when "how reality really is" has none of the boredom, frustration, aggravation, conflict, confusion, and despair of "life before".
Posted by: cc | January 06, 2012 at 08:53 AM
Eewwwww...boredom, frustration, aggravation, conflict, confusion, and despair. What planet are you living on? I don't see any of that stuff. Wow, cc, I guess when you told god to get lost, he took your advice.;...
Posted by: Willie R | January 08, 2012 at 05:56 AM