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December 07, 2011


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LMAO - gays in the military, god dang son.

u guys got some damn funny buggers in the old U S of A.

i thought someone was taking the piss when i first saw that video - classic, 10/10, comedy gold.

Brian and George,

I kinda think Rick Perry knows he will not get the Republican nomination, and no one will nominate him as their VP. So, this video and other speeches are designed to introduce Perry to some sort of position post his governor days. I'm guessing, some sort of leadership in a religious/political action grouping. Perry couldn't be this much of an idiot???

What do you guys think?

I think Perry is that much of an idiot. One of his lead campaign staff tried to talk him out of doing the video, but he was overruled.

He seems more like a religious idiotic fanatic. How does that sound...lol...

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