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December 25, 2011


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lol I though you would know that 'christmas' has nothin to Do with 'christ'--that in 354 AD Pope Julius chose December 25th as 'Christ's birthday to suppress celebrations of the Solstice

Happy Solstice by the way :)))


Santa Claus the Merry Magic Mushroom:


Your welcome Xmas newsletter will not download. I don't know if the reasons are geographical, technical or other?

Elizabeth, if you click on the link in this post, I assume you are properly led to a post on my other blog, where I put a download link for the Holiday Letter PDF file. Perhaps your PDF reader had a problem with the file.

I just added a Word download as another option. Give that a try. The files are fairly large, almost 10 MB, because of the photos, so anyone without broadband access will have a tough time downloading them.

When someone says, "Merry Christmas!" to me, I fire back with, "Same to you!", as if deflecting an insult, and they're delighted. That's the Christmas spirit.

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