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November 12, 2011


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Great, an open thread to rant on.

Does anyone know of any good, no, really good books to read. Doestn't matter if fact or fiction.
I got my sisters books off her kindle onto mine and they are crap - to say the least. I did read 2 of them and couldn't stomach any more of the same.
I am heading off travelling for 3+ months in a couple of weeks and I would like to have a few good books on the kindle for when I am on trains, planes and automobiles!

I am sort of fed up with 'spiritual' books as I don't know whether I am coming or going this weather - a bit like being in no man's land BUT I won't rule them out if they are really good and not too abstract.

btw Mike,

we haven't always seen eye to eye sometimes but lets face it, the whole blog is full of 'ranters and ravers' including myself.(apart from tAo of course :)))
And although I don't rant (on the blog) too much these days, I do read all the rants every day. I enjoy them - some more that others. I enjoy your rants some of the times and George's rants with his usage of words amuses me - I know, I'm easily amused.

So Mike, don't take it personal - come on back I say ;)


Hello Marina i hope you are great!
Here two books of my recom...



But bux then on bookdepository it is free shipping


If you like using your imagination as well as ranting lol, a fab sci-fi author is Peter F. Hamilton. The Void Trilogy and The Night's Dawn Trilogy are very entertaining.


I really enjoy the positive and caring approach in your comments.

Well Moongoes,

Yes I am great and I hope you are too. :)

Thanks for the recommendations Moongoes, INfJ and Tara. I shall check them out.


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