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August 25, 2011


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I use the words "religious" and "spiritual" and "sacred" only in quotes. It's enough to admit what one doesn't know without implying that Someone or Something does know and ought to be acknowledged.

Thank you! Thank you!

I am also aware of the problem of the word "religious." So I am also searching for a better word, if any. Is the word "deep" any good? With the word "deep," I mean a sense of wonder, gratitude, and reverence towards Nature as discovered by science, and building a unified life strategy around it. Deep Naturalism. Is it better or worse than the name Religious Naturalism?

Thanks so much! I finally found the term or definition in "religious naturalism" that describes my sense of religious experience regarding nuclear fusion of stars, and the ultimate explosions of supernovae which form the very higher level elements which make life here possible, and the sizes and scope necessary therein. Now having this definition or label will take me further along this path, and allow me to better share my thoughts with others. Awesome content, literally! Much Thanks

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