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July 30, 2011


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Good piece, Brian. I'd like to point out that there are times when it pays to downplay your feedback information and stick with a prescribed discipline. It can be vital when changing (or breaking) a habit; discomfort arises because the body/mind naturally tries to maintain the old equilibrium. But that's a temporary measure, not a lifestyle.

Jim, there's a lot more to feedback loops than a simple "this doesn't feel good, so I quit" sort of thing. Immediate sensory feedback is just one level of information. I focused on that because mindfulness is key to making effective use of feedback loops.

Meaning, if we're oblivious to what's happening in our lives, we won't be able to use our experience to life life more fully and happily.

I think we agree, though. It's just a matter of emphasis or focus. I know what you're talking about, as I go through it just about every time I exercise strenuously. I keep it up because the immediate discomfort is less important to me than the long-term benefits I'm gaining.

THis is partly what I mean by "loopiness." There are feedback loops within feedback loops. I can adjust my daily workout to match my energy level and emotional attitude while keeping steady my overall goal to exercise often.

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