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June 14, 2011


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We're conditioned to think we "have" a brain, as if a brain was something "I" could make use of. But we know now that I am a product of the brain's imagination and that it's more accurate to say that the brain has I. Despite this knowledge, however, we continue to think and speak and act as if I am not what the brain is doing; that it's MY brain and I am in charge.

The brain is an amazing organ. It created me and it sustains me because this is what the human brain does. Thanks to the brain, I am the central character in my story, and I'm the only one authorized to tell it as it is, which is to say, as it pleases me, the story-telling process. Yes, that's "who" I am. Just a process. Nobody, really, because I can be anybody the story requires, and the brain loves a good story.

The brain's favorite story is the Story of Discovery. It thrills to a story of a brain that discovers something it never knew before. The thrill is the change the brain undergoes when new knowledge has its effect on old knowledge. Discovery changes the brain, be it the littlest, least significant fact, or a fact too overwhelming to face. Every discovery is a whole new ball game with every old story behind it and a story untold unfolding.

Ok, now I am totally confused!

Is the brain the same thing as the mind and is it the brain that makes the mind work or the mind that makes the brain work.

Never mind, I have a pain in me head. It's not worth thinking about.....


Marina, you're right, it's not worth thinking about. Because there's isn't much to ponder. Mind is the brain in action. Light is photons in action. We can call the same thing by different names, but that doesn't make it two different things. Mind is the brain, brain is the mind. We're one entity, not two.

Not up to working it out for myself Brian this minute, so I will take your word for it! It is only making my headache worse.

Marina ;)

"It is only making my headache worse."

--This is the madness that was referred to in the other post. And, yes there times when "it's" not worth thinking about.

Ok, I shall leave now, and start thinking about mowing my front lawn. Roger

Not just the brain, maybe the whole body remembers. ? At any rate, some fascinating anecdotal evidence:


On the brain thing.....
Who says animals are dumb? Think again..


Thought you might be interested in this interesting BBC documentary "The Secret You" on consciousness.

Gord, thanks. The video looks interesting. I'll have a look when I get the time.

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