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June 16, 2011


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...like this, though it is a bit spooky how many of my morning routines match yours...and then it got really spooky when i read the solitaire post...my go-to meditation most of the time :)

sant mat is a philosophy that creates struggle. You cannot arrive at nirvana through the path of struggle.

Meditation in sant mat has a GOAL and a purpose. It is in the FUTURE. it is an attainment. It is an achievement. It is something that you DO.

Enlightenment is a different quality. No goal - no doing - no purpose - no attainment - no struggle. Meditation means to FLOW and to RELAX and to ENJOY. It means to wake up and be aware. No struggle is required. There are no medals at the end.

The very idea of trying to attain disappears. Hence effort is not needed.

Sant mat talks about 'effortless effort' but they are unable to explain it clearly because it fundamentally goes against their teachings.

effortless effort in sant mat is an oxymoron. (look that one up!)

Gurinder is trying to bring these opposites together - that is why he creates confusion - because they cannot be amalgamated. The old has to be dropped. And how is Gurinder going to say 'the previous masters of sant mat got it all wrong'.

You can't have it both ways. Either the previous masters all reached sach khand.
Or - they were deluded because the very idea of there being a Sach khand is a duality concept - as there is no time and space - hence - there is no sach khand

And if there is no Sach khand - then what is the sant mat meditation all about? why do you need to repeat the names of the lords of the regions? Sant mat states that the words are 'charged' by the master and they operate as a password to allow you to pass through.

What a crazy concept. yet - there was a time when I believed it and meditated for whle weekends at at time to get access to the time-less regions or the supreme lords.

Meditation, huh!

I am looking at meditation.
It now is different than it used to be.
Clock watching is over, should be's is over, having to sit a certain time is over, but there is still an element of 'trying' not to try.
Even when I am observing, it is like something is observing something seemingly seperate that is happening - still a 'self' referential thing.

No longer looking to get something out there - but still feels like something is missing or like still too many ingredients.

I try to give up or not to give up, but again, all referenced back to 'me'......
All this stuff leaves me in a place of ‘I don’t know’, and I don’t like not knowing :)


and then,

there is Buddha Boy (BBC documentary) Real? At the least, v e r y intriguing. Is this what meditation really is?


Hi brian, I am also flowing in the same route :) Even I am a Taoist now.

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