Recently I came across The Thinking Atheist web site. It's slick and sophisticated looking, which distinguishes it from my Church of the Churchless minimalist blog design.
But when I turned to the FAQ page and read the witty Q and A's of The Thinking Atheist, I realized that I was in the presence of a kindred non-soul. Namely, someone with a sense of humor who has had to deal with many of the same questions and issues that I have.
This guy was a Christian of 30 years and a former Christian broadcaster. He says:
I finally started "thinking" for myself, ultimately rejecting the world view and lifestyle I’d once assumed as truth.
This site is a response to my own childhood indoctrination, the overwhelming wave of religious messages in our society, and the countless throngs who make ridiculous claims and dismiss skeptical voices with warnings of eternal torture.
Whether you’re religious or non-religious, I invite you to examine these pages, challenge superstition with an objective eye, take courage from the stories of others and embrace the charge to determine what is real, what is right, and what is rational.
Assume nothing. Question everything. Challenge the opposition.
And start thinking.
Well, amen to that. Here's some of the FAQs that I particularly related to. I urge you to read all of them, as The Thinking Atheist has an engaging writing (and thinking!) style.
Why do you hate god?
Doesn’t hating something assume that it exists? This is like asking if I hate the Easter Bunny, Lord Voldemort, Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy. (Actually...I do hate The Tooth Fairy. Cheap little @#$%!)
Don’t you know that god loves you?
Awesome. Which god? Yahweh? Allah? Thor? Wotan? Zeus? Isis? Osiris? Loki? Odin? Mithra? Lolth? Aphrodite? Poseidon? Cronos? Horus? Beddru? Krishna? Zarathustra? Baal? Dagon? Dionysus? Enki? Gaia? Helios? Hermes? Marduk? Quetzalcoatl? Ra? Seti? Vishnu? Shiva? Xenu? Akuma? Raiden? Gekka? Bumba? Eshu? Jupiter? Romulus? Ilia? Venus? Abaangui? Ewah? Imhotep? Periboriwa? Dagda? Ishtar? Baldur? Tyr? Quetzalcoatl? Ixchel? Qi-Lin? Dievas? Adonis? Xanthus? Kali? Akka? Anubis? Sif? Mercury? Juno? Brahma? Frith? Eric Clapton? Or one of tens of thousands of others?
Do you think religious people are stupid?
The people, no. The beliefs, yes.
Why do you parody and mock? All belief systems deserve respect.
The people, yes. The beliefs, no. Here in the 21st century, if someone states that the earth is flat and expects his belief to be "respected," he shouldn’t be personally attacked, but he should prepare himself as his outlandish assertions are stacked, skewered and roasted over the white-hot fires of science, reason, evidence and common sense. In this crazy world, some things are deserving of mockery.
Why do you focus so much on Christianity? Where are your videos on Islam and other religions?
Christianity is my background. Debunking my former belief system is what I’m passionate about. For the record, I believe all religions and cults are superstitious nonsense. As TTA evolves, I hope to tackle other religions with greater frequency. But for now, I’m pretty focused on the bible and mainstream Christianity.
Isn’t atheism a religion?
Sure. And not smoking is a habit.
Atheists gather together in groups to talk about their beliefs. Isn’t that like church?
This idea confuses church with community. People should feel free to connect and celebrate the things they have in common. I think opposition to superstition qualifies as a common denominator, and human beings shouldn’t isolate themselves because they’re scared of labels. The Thinking Atheist and other online communities have given thousands the opportunity to make friends and find support all over the world.
What do you think happens when you die?
It’s like before you were born. Non-existence.
Isn’t that rather sad? No afterlife?
What’s sad is watching people squander decades of this life under the delusion that they’re super heroes on a divine mission with eternal reward. Carpe Diem, folks. This is the only time around. And you don’t need an afterlife to make this earthly one meaningful, rich and happy.
Here's a (lengthy) You Tube video podcast featuring The Thinking Atheist and an interviewee. I only listened to a few minutes, but liked what I heard.
I believe it is important to become an
atheist at the end of ones journey. Throw
away all religion and all belief and toss God
away also.
This is the end product of rational thought.
No belief, religion, or God.
Now one is free to live in the moment.
The journey has moved round circle.
But, now a thought comes to the person.
What if the end of my journey is the beginning
of something new ?
AronRA says, I bet there is SOMTHING out there.
Better then anyone is promoting......
an undiscovered Reality.
He is right, there is.
Posted by: Mike Williams | June 07, 2011 at 12:26 AM
Great thread Brian,
It hits the spot, oh yeahhhh
Marina ;)
Posted by: Marina | June 07, 2011 at 04:56 AM
"Don’t you know that god loves you?"
Answer: ...Eric Clapton.
I like this one. This one exists. This name is more realistic than all the rest on the list.
May I put an ad for our Chinese creator goddess here?
Posted by: Alex, Hong Kong | June 07, 2011 at 09:31 PM
The problem is belief. The athiest still believes in him/her self. Having this idea that one is a free thinker is the root cause of all belief/opinion. Even with good intentions, the athiest is still stuck in the same game as the religious. When one says "I" dont believe in anything, make sure the thing looking is aware of its structure. Dont say thats impossible. Go into it and find out.
Posted by: Vas | June 11, 2011 at 06:11 PM
Hi Vas,
The people here, in large part,
know they do not have a self.
They also know consciousness is
not a continuity.
We know there is no one...........
experiencing experience.
Posted by: Mike Williams | June 11, 2011 at 08:41 PM
It doesn't come across that way to me Mike that people are coming from a place of 'no one.
People may know intellectually........but does this knowing come from the heart, that is the question? Are 'the people here, in large part' acting from oneness(no self) or from their small 'self'?
Posted by: Marina | June 11, 2011 at 09:52 PM
Hi Mike. If that was the case,then why all the talk moving away from the fact. Everything on this site seems to have that as a side show. "Oh yes we all know that, now lets move on." Move on to what? Talk of spirits,the Guru,levels,my beleif and so on. All the talk in the world cant cover the fact that most people on this site are searching. Thats a good thing. But looking out issue by issue, is moving further and further away. Also a wast of energy.Ask that question seriously ,without moving away. Am I the totality of the past? And what are the ramifications? The rest is just words in the wind.
Posted by: Vas | June 11, 2011 at 10:06 PM
For Mike or anyone else.....
Unsought in the Heart
The true measure of a person seemsto lie in the standard of their conscious and free emotional realtionship to others.
It is not found at all in their beliefs, their opinions,or their judgements.
It is not found in their philosophy, their intelligence, their skills, or abilities.
It is not found in their type, their make-up, or their particular temperament.
Rather, it is in their true intention, their presence with others, and their emotional orientation to the truth. PR
I am going to meditate now but who is doing the meditation, who is asking the questions, what am I meditating for, am I desiring to be somewhere else, someone different, am I right, am I wrong, is there a right, is there a many questions and maybe no answers....till I make some up. :))
Posted by: Marina | June 11, 2011 at 10:46 PM
Marina The answers are in the seeing. Seeing the fact that the division between the thinker and thought is responsible for mans inability to see facts,with this comes action. Here you will find who is meditating,what is asking the question and the relationship between thought and time. To enquire into this is meditation in the true sense. Have a great day.
Posted by: Vas | June 12, 2011 at 02:19 AM