My newest passion -- to Strange Up Salem (Oregon) -- nicely harmonizes with this here blog's churchless theme of spiritual independence. So you're invited to peruse the Strange Up blog post I wrote today.
At the risk of sounding like a phone sex line... I know what you want. You’re hungry for it. You’re hot for it. You’ve gotten tantalizing glimpses of what you lust for, but it’s been frustratingly out of reach.
Not God. Not religion. Not enlightenment. Strangeness.
Along that line, during the past few days I've been amazed to see myself turning from Facebook-apathetic to a Facebook "whore" who will do anything (almost) for likes on my Strange Up Salem page.
That's why I put the like button in the right column. Click it! I'm an old man, and getting older all the time. I want to get to a hundred "likes" before I die. Give me that. Well, after that a thousand. Then ten thousand. Then...a jillion trillion!
My desires are limitless. But you can start to fulfill one of them with a "like."
OK I've liked "Strange Up Salem" and I think we should FB friend each other, which Brian Hines are you? I'm easy to find because I'm a long established FB whore.
Posted by: Suzanne Foxton | April 28, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Suzanne, I know so little about Facebook, I'm not sure how to describe which Brian HInes I am.
I'm the Salem, Oregon Brian HInes, if Facebook lets you search by hometown. I'm the Brian HInes whose Facebook photo is the same as the one I use on my HinesSight blog:
Hope this helps you sort out the fake Brian HInes'. Obviously (to me) I am the original and all those other guys are impostors.
Posted by: Blogger Brian | April 29, 2011 at 12:29 AM