It's tough for me to decide which brand of fundamentalist religious craziness is most appalling:
(1) Christian pastor Terry Jones holding a mock trial of the Koran, then burning it, or (2) Islamic Afghan protesters of the Koran incineration who have killed 24 people in the past few days.
What I do know is that believing in some unseen supernatural being who supposedly commands devotees to fight affronts to its honor is just about the stupidest thing humans do.
Scarily, billions of people subscribe to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism -- the main monotheistic religions. Each religion considers that God/Allah/Jehovah is on its side, so whatever true believers do in the name of their imaginary deity must be perfectly justified.
News reports are fine, but there's nothing like looking at religious wackiness face-to-face. So I recommend watching at least part of Pastor Jones' rant where he issues a "guilty" verdict on the Koran.
(I made it through 5:27 of the twenty-four minute video until I couldn't stand the idiocy anymore.)
Jesus fucking Christ! The Koran is just a book! How the hell can you put a book on trial?
At the end of the part of the video that I watched, Jones (at least, that's who I assume is talking) says that the "public" was asked what punishment the Koran should receive if it was found guilty -- of what, I'm not sure.
The choices were to be burned, drowned, shredded, or face a firing squad. Burning got the most votes.
These Christians look upon the Koran as ungodly, yet they confer personhood upon it. Hey, if the Koran can be punished by being drowned or stood in front of a firing squad, it sure seems like this book has a lot of life to it.
The Muslim Afghan protesters are equally wacked out, and in a decidedly more murderous fashion.
Afghan protests over the burning of a Koran in Florida continued Sunday for a third day, with three more people killed here.
That brought to 24 the number of people killed in Afghanistan since Friday, when a mob overran United Nations offices in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, killing seven United Nations international staff members.
So just as Pastor Jones considers the Koran to be a "person" who can be put on trial, fundamentalist Muslims must also view the Koran similarly. Otherwise, why would they get so seriously bent out of shape by the burning of a freaking book?
I don't get it.
How can killing seven human beings in the name of defending a paper product be a holy act? Actions like these make me super-grateful that I've walked away from religion.
Also, Muslims are against worshipping any image of God, who is considered to be beyond comprehension or representation. That's why even cartoons of Muhammad were seen as so offensive.
Yet somehow the images of God contained in the Koran are so holy as to warrant murdering innocent people if some wacked-out pastor thousands of miles away burns a single copy of Islam's scripture.
Which sums up religious belief in one word.
Wow ....they must have treated this Koran with some form of flame accelerator, because that puppy really got to flaming!
I wonder if there are any strict (sort of like a Muslim form of "Kosher") guidelines as to the chemical composition of the inks and papers used to print Korans.
They sure appear to be just perfect for burning!
Happy Ramadan Jihad Fatwah to you too.
Posted by: Willie R | April 04, 2011 at 07:11 AM