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March 04, 2011


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I need to score


Well written. I am now on marriage no.2. My husband is a wonderful man who I admit I'm besotted with him after 9 years! I suppose you would say "the honeymoon period" is still going? I disagree, he's a good and incredibly patient man.
My first husband was also a good man, though I certainly did ignore the warning signs before we married. Love is blind certainly applied with my first marriage.
I'm a church goer and have a similar conversation in my mind. I often feel inadequate compared to the many other members of our congregation who are unquestioning in their belief. I always question. Am I wrong? Mmm.

"Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly" Voltaire

Heffernan quoted "It is like they have invested themselves in this role and they simply cannot afford to challenge their illusion."

We all have illusions. Question is: can find something, some story, that seems better?

With religion (or guru adoration) we are depending not so much on our identity, imo, as a ride to immortality. That is why religions LAST SO LONG...thousands of years. The basic story is never aborted. Birth, life, death and some story about how we continue on (rebirth, resurrection, salvation). Saint, Savior, or Guru has to be big because death is big.

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