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December 24, 2010


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I feel pretty much like Blogger Brian. I just say "Merry Christmas" in response if someone says it to me. I don't think about it much. It's just tradition, like Happy New Year". Is something magical going to happen that will change everything at midnight on Dec 31? Probably not. So people say Happy New Year to me. OK. Happy New year to you too. At least people are trying to be positive even if it is a little robotic. It's a short break from "Have a nice day" we hear the rest of the year.

I am generally glad (relieved) when this time of year is over. Things settle down and are less frenetic. The santa clauses and reindeer disappear from store windows and chrismas carol musac is no more. Ah, the bliss of January. It's only a few days away.

Happy January!!

and for you Christians, Merry Christmas.

I say Merry Christmas and with a big smile for several reasons and it doesn't bother me at all even though I don't celebrate the religious aspect to the day. I think it's about traditions, most of which are pagan. It's about family and memories of families, about community. It's about giving without wanting something back. Sure the modern celebration can be over the top but the ideas are good ones. To me, there is no reason not to believe a teacher named something (but probably not Jesus) taught a way of life that if it were practiced today the world would be kinder to the poor, less judgmental and more loving to self and others. Did he say those words exactly as written down? Not likely given the many translations since, but the ideas un the Sermon on the Mount are good ones. It's amazing that it's the right wing who have co-opted him. He was an outcast in his time and would be today if he lived and taught as he did-- just imagine. I have a blog listed on my blog roll, Soaring Impulse, by a young doctor in Australia, who does a lot of charitable work in Swaziland also and he said a lot of why I feel just fine to say Merry Christmas-- http://www.soaringimpulse.com/2010/12/challenge-of-christmas.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheSoaringImpulse+%28The+soaring+impulse%29.

It makes others happy when you say something to them like Merry Christmas but it's okay to have a good holiday or something similar. Clerks in particular are having a tough season of this where they are pushed to the limits. Some aren't able to take the day off. To say Merry Christmas almost always leads to seeing people smile back-- especially if you initiated it. From what I can tell of their responses to the smiles, they feel good and if people would find out more about the teachings and worry less about the god aspect of it, they'd be kinder and more helping of others.

It's really about Christ's Mass which for years I also celebrated as a practicing Catholic. So it's roots are thoroughly pagan with most all of the traditions that go along with it. It has roots in my life that come from the past and go to today even though what it means to me today is very different than from childhood with Santa or later years with families and churches.

Merry Krishna


Alternately you could say, of course in Bangali accent, - 'Shame to you' :))

This UFO footage is quite remarkable.
Is it real ? Phoenix Arizona


Buzz Aldrin saw UFO and photographed it on lunar landing


Astronault Gordon Cooper saw UFO's and filmed one


The audio with pictures of the actual exorcism Anneliese Michel. The is from the Vatican website and is real. It is shocking.


Like I said, I am an atheist, but I never
said I didn't think some sort of 'evil' exists. It is my belief this evil exists
in Ruhani Satsang.

Do I have to believe in every being for which days are named to wish Happiness upon someone? I do dig Thor, though I don't know that I'd be counted as a true believer, even when I spend His Holy Day wishing folks "Happy Thursday!" sincerely and with great joy <3 You may use the Day named for Christ the same way <3

I don't say "merry christmas" because I'm not merry and I'd never tell anybody else to be. Merriment happens. It can't be scheduled and you can't induce it in another by uttering a worn out phrase.

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