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November 21, 2010


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The idea of proving with reason or logic that God exists is a logical impossibility. A true believer in God understands how limited human reason is, how it depends upon common definitions, common experiences, and agreed premises. All these are entirely tied down to limited experience, very limited knowledge, entirely bound up in history and cultural constraints.

How un-reasonable was the notion that all matter is mostly empty space! How unfounded! How easily disproven!

But only when in a lab Niels Bohr saw that electron rays mostly passed straight through a thin sheet of foil, he realized that foil could not be mostly matter at all, but empty space. Without that experience, and the flash of insight to connect the dots, Bohr would never have been set on the path to discovering neutrons, electrons and protons, nor their general placement.

Logic and reason follow truth, but they can readily follow belief, and be twisted in any direction in which you choose to gather the most facts.

Logic is just a whore, ready to bend into any position you like for a fee.

RE: Randomness:

In the common dialogue, we talk of randomness as being truly random - unpredictable events. And this gets stretched innocently to mean events that have no actual cause. But that stretch is rhetorical. All science disproves it.

In science "random" is a term used to describe the interplay of forces we cannot yet measure, but which effects the things we can measure. It is noise in the system from variables we don't yet know about.

That noise is in a general sense predictable and we can statistically control for its effects in our experiments.

To state therefore that such forces don't actually exist and that "random" means these events arise without any cause, is, to be polite, unscientific and without any empirical support.

When the term is used outside its actual scientific meaning, it becomes voodoo for magic - things happening without independent causal forces.

That is a misrepresentation of the mathematical, statistical and scientific meaning of the term.

All scientific evidence demonstrates that everything has a cause - or more precisely, that any observable event is a dependent variable, dependent upon other relatively independent variables that have had an effect on it. Not all independent variables are known and not always detectable, but what our instruments can detect supports this basic principle.

Indeed, all science is based on the presumption of causal factors, primary elements and forces which lead to the events and world we see.

Yet, science also resigns where it cannot go in detection by withdrawing into the theory of random numbers. Yet even that theory demonstrates the predictability of a myriad of forces that have not yet been discovered.

The theory of catastrophe is all about this: events that we thought were not predictable actually are created by the tipping point of subtle forces that have not yet been measured. Even in catastrophes there are preceding events.

So the universe is "random" only in a mathematical sense and only relative to our position of not knowing or measuring all independent variables. The word "random" does not mean "WITHOUT CAUSE" only, without known or understood or measured causes.

But random theory helps us account for the noise in our data - the effects on the heavens and on earth which we can't actually see or measure or yet understand.

To say that "random" means those forces don't exist actually violates the principle of random numbers theory, which is a means to account for those very forces. If they didn't exist, there would be no scientific way to control for them in experiments.

But we can help to account for the forces we can't measure by allowing some acceptable level of randomness in the outcomes that we can measure. Call it "noise": variance.

Once science can measure it , it then filters that out, or understands it better.

But to suggest "things happen" without cause is neither science nor reason.

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