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September 10, 2010


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I strongly feel that a book cannot be a religion. Religion is virtue humans wear. It does not matter whether we learn it from Koran, Bible, Ramayana or any such book or any such religion. If religions (preachers and books) cannot teach it to their followers it is better they sit in their homes and leave alone humans to co-exist with modern education. It will be in the interest of all of us.

Rest assured that Terry Jones had "knowledge aforethought" of the certain Muslim reaction to the threat of burning a copy (or copies) of the Koran.

Same deal with the proposal to build a mosque near "Ground Zero" in New York City. Those who hatched the idea knew that it would incite negative emotional fervor.

In the greater scheme of things, Terry Jones is less than nobody. What is amazing to me is that his meaningless gesture has gotten the amount of attention it has.

Did Terry Jones receive instructions from God or follow a verse from the Bible to engage in this burning exercise? That is, does the Bible allow for such burnings? I think, I heard him say that only instructions(a message from God) would allow him to stop this burning exercise.

Finally, does anyone know the temperature(F) at which books burn? This may be interesting.

Books burn at 451 degrees Fahrenheit. Hence the title of the story by Ray Bradbury.

if God doesn't want us to burn books he should make them out of something a little less flammable. Would there be such a stink if we used religious books for toilet paper???

All burning of religious material should be done in the privacy of ones own mind.

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