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August 29, 2010


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Hmmm..I don't think this rally would deserve to be called as "Restoring Honor"...it was aptly named “Restoring Dishonor.” It's just my feeling..no hard feelings..

Oh yeah, Beck is all about those three virtues:

Faith (unless you're Islamic)
Hope (unless you're an Mexican immigrant)
Charity (unless you're not in the wealthiest 5%)

Yup, Beck is the closest thing to god that money can buy.

"Oh yeah, Beck is all about those three virtues:"

Faith (unless you're militant Islamic)

Hope (as long as you're a legal Mexican immigrant)

Charity (unless you're not in the wealthiest 5% who give about 95% of the charity and 50% of the tax base in California).

That's right. The wealthiest 134,000 taxpayers in a state of 35-40 million people pay 50% of the state's tax revenues. So, I'd say Californians have a lot to thank them for.

"Yup, Beck is the closest thing to god that money can buy."

Somehow I get the idea you don't like Beck. Just a hunch. Hey, I'm not crazy about his religious approach either, but he has a point about economics and political integrity. We had better get spending under control pronto or the good ol' USA is going down the tubes.

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