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August 24, 2010


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Great post. Thanks for sharing.

It also means that my world is within my skull. The other one is having his own. If I have to perfectly penetrate into others’ world I have to break open their skulls. And this is what exactly happens when wars are fought for the ideologies and organized religions. If I understand that my thoughts, beliefs, inner visions and experiences are activities of my own nerves, I become a better human being and a Yogi. There is cease fire, at least within me.

Did you read about this?


I surmise thqat spirituality should be kept hidden.

Comment 1)For the spiritual folks I know it would be impossible for them to hide. Perhaps author never really met a spiritual person?

Comment 2) Would it be desirable to never see the spiritual side of another human being besides your own?

Comment 3)As far as his point there is zero evidence backing any religion.

Has the author not read the history? Does he need the actual historical evidence to re-enacted in his life for this to be counted as true?
In order to make this statement he has to be willing to cast over and say the history is not true. Remember there are those that say the moon landings never occured. Others that said the Holocaust never occured.

In one generation there were those who decided Jesus never rose from the grave. In the next generation some others concluded that Jesus never existed at all.

Much is written about his life AND miracles in secular history of the time. Oh yes and does this author fail to recognize/realize that all the worlds calendars are calibrated by his lifetime? eg today is the year 2010. 2010 years after life events of Jesus. For me I see ample evidence.

Mark Wardell:

your comments are to Brian (the author of this blog), but i will add in my two cents...

you said:

"I surmise that spirituality should be kept hidden."

-- huh? what is that supposed to mean? seriously?

"For the spiritual folks I know it would be impossible for them to hide. Perhaps author never really met a spiritual person?"

-- what? are you serious? try studying this blog just a tad, before making such absurd statements.

"Would it be desirable to never see the spiritual side of another human being besides your own?"

-- what "spiritual side" are you talking about?

"As far as his [the suthor's] point there is zero evidence backing any religion. Has the author not read the history?"

-- what does history have to do with it? there is no evidence in religious history.

"Does he need the actual historical evidence"

-- there is no historical evidence.

"In order to make this statement he has to be willing to cast over and say the history is not true."

-- history is mere heresay... not truth nor evidence.

"there are those that say the moon landings never occured."

-- but how do you know?

"Others that said the Holocaust never occured."

-- wrong. that is not what they say. your claim is incorrect. the question is not about whether it occured, but about the actual number of deaths. so get your facts straight.

"In one generation there were those who decided Jesus never rose from the grave. In the next generation some others concluded that Jesus never existed at all."

-- he may not have. he may be a fabrication composed of other pre-existing myths.

"Much is written about his life AND miracles in secular history of the time."

-- that is mere heresay.

"Oh yes and does this author fail to recognize/realize that all the worlds calendars are calibrated by his lifetime?"

-- so what? that proves nothing. there are also calendars in other cultures that are different. a calendar proves nothing.

"For me I see ample evidence."

-- then you are not very rigorous intellectually. so go back to your religion.

LOL....."so go back to your religion."

---tAo, I gotta luv ya.......you know how skin a cat...

There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim, so whose path shall I follow? Guru Nanak

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