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July 05, 2010


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Thanks for the information about the Jews "eruv".They may appear to be "a magic schlepping circle" but I could imagine some paranoids believing other possible uses such as mind control or transmitting subliminal messages to their brethren. I was surprised to learn a few years ago that "Parve" was a Yiddish word for Kosher diets-I assumed it was French for Vegetarian.Don't even get me started about how the secular Jews control Hollywood and all the decadent films churned out since the elimination of The Motion Picture Production Code in 1968

Many other religions have different words for God and a few, as in Buddhism, do not include a Supreme Being or Creator. Some give God personal qualities, while most speak of God as a spiritual omnipresence or an all-pervading force. Among the other religions which are still practiced today: Aboriginal traditions, African tribal beliefs, Baha’i, Druze, Jainism, Native American faiths, Polynesian spirit worship, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Tenrikyo, Yoruba, and Zoroastrianism. Later prophets had developed new traditions, like Jewish Kabbalah, had gained new revelations, as in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), or had founded new religions, such as Baha’i. There are hundreds of religions and faiths.

The Vedas, most sacred to Hindus, were rejected by Buddhists who also defined many Sanskrit words differently, e.g. nirvana. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, the Torah, are most revered by Jews and are studied by most Christians. Practices and customs may vary between countries, as apparent among the predominately Muslim states, or blend in local mythology, such as in Hinduism on Bali. Doctrine for any one religion may differ between its divisions or their branches, like within the many Protestant denominations.

In Vedanta, Brahman is considered as the One God; Hindus of Shaivism, Shaktism and Vaishnavism may worship a chosen god, goddess or incarnation who emanates from Brahman. In Judaism, behavior and worship may vary among movements: Conservative, Hasidism, Orthodox, and Reform. Mahayana Buddhists rely on guidance of others and prayer; Theravada stresses self-reliance and good works; Vajrayana has secret rituals and metaphysics. Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Roman Catholic, and other Christians differ often on grace, the Trinity and sources of doctrine. Ibadi, Shi’a and Sunni Islamic sects disagree on Muhammad’s successors and on the status of imams; Sufi orders among them may worship differently.

Reading the mystics of all religions can help to overcome these many apparent differences. Mysticism’s message seems to be the same: The essence of the One is the essence of All. Although the ultimate Reality is the same, each experience of it can vary. That applies to each mystic as well as between mystics.

(Quoted from my e-book at www.suprarational.org )

I confess, Islam is my least favourite too. It seems like the worst of Judaism and Chrisitianity (which it derived from) with little of the grace, or mercy.

Jonathan from spritzophrenia

And thankyou for this perspective on Judaism. My country has very few Jews, and your vignettes accord with my impression of the diversity that is Judaism today.

I suspect I'll be quoting you on my blog at some point.


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